Licensed to WSY Swimming           HY-TEK's MEET MANAGER 4.0 2/25/2012 04:21 PM
                    2012 CPAL Division 4A Meet - 2/25/2012                     
                             Hosted by LPAC & CVAC                             
                         Good Luck to All Participants                         
Event 1  Boys 8 & Under 100 Yard Medley Relay
       Div5A: # 1:14.60   2/17/2007 YY                                         
                         C. Stewart, J.Koch, B. Chu, M.Koch                
    Team                                           Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Lower Paxton Aquatic Club  'A'              1:12.60    1:19.53         40  
     1) Paul, Thomas 8                  2) Axtman, Eric 8                 
     3) Dowling, Jack 8                 4) Yaninek, Zachery 8             
                  42.72     1:19.53 (36.81)                                        
  2 Hershey Aquatic Club  'A'                   1:25.33    1:25.10         34  
     1) Wingert, Andreas M 8            2) Brace, Shane L 7               
     3) Drexler, Noah 8                 4) Eichman, Anthony C 8           
                  46.42     1:25.10 (38.68)                                        
  3 Lebanon Valley Otters  'A'                  1:36.13    1:42.74         32  
     1) Hain, Braden 6                  2) Marsh, Jacob 8                 
     3) Nguyen, Jacob 8                 4) Rudy, Jacob 7                  
                  59.25     1:42.74 (43.49)                                        
Event 2  Girls 8 & Under 100 Yard Medley Relay
       Div5A: # 1:11.83   2/26/1994 LEBY                                       
    Team                                           Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Lower Paxton Aquatic Club  'A'              1:14.39    1:17.75         40  
     1) Parody, Ava 7                   2) Reber, Alexis 8                
     3) Madden, Maya 7                  4) Burkholder, Maurah 7           
                  42.69     1:17.75 (35.06)                                        
  2 Hershey Aquatic Club  'A'                   1:19.47    1:22.47         34  
     1) Woronko, Angela E 8             2) Rippon, Bella 8                
     3) Tafuto, Tori C 8                4) Ceneviva, Katie J 8            
                  43.89     1:22.47 (38.58)                                        
Event 3  Boys 9-10 200 Yard Medley Relay
       Div5A: # 2:14.06   2/22/2003 WSY Swimming                               
                         A Quigley, A Hamilton, S Gasparini, L Benedict    
    Team                                           Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Cumberland Valley Aquatic Club  'A'         2:18.44    2:28.09         40  
     1) Lai, Ryan S 10                  2) Farrow, Kyle T 9               
     3) McVeagh, Jorden T 10            4) Furlong, Christopher R 9       
                  36.40     1:19.83 (43.43)     1:56.01 (36.18)     2:28.09 (32.08)
  2 Lebanon Valley Otters  'A'                  2:31.44    2:32.30         34  
     1) Hain, Donovan 9                 2) Gryboski, Eli 10               
     3) Hilty, Justin T 10              4) Deiderick, Gabriel 10          
                  40.60     1:25.81 (45.21)     2:01.23 (35.42)     2:32.30 (31.07)
  3 Lower Paxton Aquatic Club  'A'              2:44.43    2:40.17         32  
     1) Hancock, Jonah 9                2) Keyes, Hunter 10               
     3) Mata, Matthew T 9               4) Wills, Cody 10                 
                  41.66     1:27.53 (45.87)     2:06.53 (39.00)     2:40.17 (33.64)
  4 Hershey Aquatic Club  'A'                   2:41.23    2:43.81         30  
     1) Cramer, Andy L 9                2) Hoover, Justin M 9             
     3) Duck, Elijah 10                 4) Hand, Ben M 10                 
                  40.90     1:29.05 (48.15)     2:05.68 (36.63)     2:43.81 (38.13)
Event 4  Girls 9-10 200 Yard Medley Relay
       Div5A: # 2:08.63   2/18/1995 WAY                                        
    Team                                           Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Northern York Aquatic Club  'A'             2:24.11    2:16.95         40  
     1) Eby, Lauren E 10                2) Andrews, Nicole C 10           
     3) Luft, Katie M 10                4) Landis, Elizabeth M 9          
                  36.00     1:15.64 (39.64)     1:45.02 (29.38)     2:16.95 (31.93)
  2 Hershey Aquatic Club  'A'                   2:22.11    2:19.24         34  
     1) Jones, Liz A 9                  2) Mitrovic, Anastasia M 9        
     3) Wingert, Heidi Luise L 10       4) Raab, Shannon C 9              
                  34.18     1:13.78 (39.60)     1:49.75 (35.97)     2:19.24 (29.49)
  3 Cumberland Valley Aquatic Club  'A'         2:23.19    2:22.03         32  
     1) Maher, Jillian K 9              2) Roach, Heather D 10            
     3) Edwards, Destiny M 10           4) Bolden, Carolyn N 10           
                  37.09     1:17.73 (40.64)     1:50.98 (33.25)     2:22.03 (31.05)
  4 Lebanon Valley Otters  'A'                  2:49.29    2:48.36         30  
     1) Hauck, Emily 9                  2) St. Clair, Jessica 10          
     3) Snyder, Sydney 10               4) Shaulis, Kirsten 9             
                  42.35     1:28.16 (45.81)     2:12.96 (44.80)     2:48.36 (35.40)
  5 Hershey Aquatic Club  'B'                   2:56.85    2:50.31         28  
     1) Ruddle, Jillian T 10            2) Day, Grace E 10                
     3) Aluquin, Lindsay A 9            4) Weller, Ally H 9               
                  47.25     1:28.14 (40.89)     2:13.31 (45.17)     2:50.31 (37.00)
 -- Lower Paxton Aquatic Club  'A'              2:48.52         DQ        
     1) Langan, Fiona 9                 2) Szobocsan, Liza 10             
     3) Zimmerman, Marlana 9            4) Lelinski, Danielle 9           
                  44.08     1:31.23 (47.15)     2:16.04 (44.81)          DQ (38.26)
 -- Cumberland Valley Aquatic Club  'B'              NT         DQ        
     1) Dehoff, Jena L 9                2) Farrow, Jenna K 10             
     3) Smith, Aliza G 9                4) Datta, Vaishnavi 10            
                  40.56     1:25.19 (44.63)     2:07.15 (41.96)          DQ (34.74)
Event 5  Boys 8 & Under 25 Yard Freestyle
       Div5A: # 14.19   2/17/2007 Zach Snyder, HESY                            
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Dowling, Jack        8 LPAC                   15.45      16.28         20  
  2 So, Ian J            8 NYAC                   17.83      18.20         17  
  3 Nguyen, Jacob        8 Otters                 17.92      19.23         16  
  4 Whitlock, Trevor     8 CVAC                   19.67      19.36         15  
  5 Stuckey, Gavin C     8 NYAC                   19.87      20.44         14  
  6 Chavey, Andrew D     8 NYAC                   20.85      20.82         13  
  7 Gao, Matt Z          7 Hershey                21.49      21.03         12  
  8 Srinivas, Vivek      8 CVAC                   21.59      21.08         11  
  9 Zimmerman, Grant E   7 Hershey                23.11      21.15          9  
 10 Conant, Patrick R    8 CVAC                   23.48      21.40          7  
 11 Carricato, Dominic   8 Hershey                28.22      21.95          6  
 12 Perez, Elias M       6 Otters                 22.06      22.18          5  
 13 Keyes, Jake          6 LPAC                   20.31      22.30          4  
 14 Alander, Evan P      8 Hershey                22.27      22.89          3  
 15 Dehoff, Hayden J     7 CVAC                   22.97      23.32          2  
 16 Hancock, Lucas       7 LPAC                   21.15      23.59          1  
 17 Hancock, Zachory     7 LPAC                   22.02      24.49        
 18 Krall, Vincent       8 Otters                 23.01      26.65        
 19 Daley, Tyler         8 Hershey                26.10      26.90        
 20 Parker, Will         6 Otters                 24.87      27.91        
 21 Yoon, Sondo          6 NYAC                   27.06      27.99        
 22 Clark, Henry W       6 CVAC                   31.41      28.30        
 23 McVeagh, Devin B     6 CVAC                   26.86      28.31        
 24 Carbaugh, Johnny     6 CVAC                   32.58      29.37        
 25 Barone, Ele          6 Hershey                32.17      31.57        
 26 McInerney, Tom W     7 Hershey                28.84      32.39        
 27 Ward, Aiden          6 Otters                 30.95      33.42        
 28 Connelly, Cameron    5 Otters                 36.27      33.73        
 29 Hancock, Isaac       5 LPAC                   28.53      37.25        
Event 6  Girls 8 & Under 25 Yard Freestyle
       Div5A: # 14.19   2/23/2002 Samantha Moffitt LEBY, LEBY                  
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Craig, Grace         8 Otters                 16.15      16.70         20  
  2 Lyesnykova, Alina    8 CVAC                   16.29      17.22         17  
  3 Runk, Rachel A       8 CVAC                   15.88      17.66         16  
  4 Burkholder, Maurah   7 LPAC                   16.55      17.71         15  
  5 Woronko, Angela E    8 Hershey                17.71      17.75         14  
  6 Reber, Alexis        8 LPAC                   17.54      17.96         13  
  7 Carbaugh, Ellie      8 CVAC                   20.34      18.96         12  
  8 Hilty, Stefanie A    6 Otters                 18.98      19.00         11  
  9 Parody, Ava          7 LPAC                   17.95      19.04          9  
 10 Corbett, Delia       8 LPAC                   18.27      19.22          7  
 11 Fickett, Makennah    7 NYAC                   20.11      19.33          6  
 12 Dinello, Taryn M     8 Hershey                23.28      19.58          5  
 13 Mattingly, Ami L     8 CVAC                   20.12      20.09          4  
 14 Morris, Olivia L     7 NYAC                   20.62      20.41          3  
 15 MacKay, Alyssa G     8 NYAC                   20.91      21.26          2  
 16 So, Alicia G         5 NYAC                   20.47      21.63          1  
 17 O'Donnell, Reily M   8 CVAC                   20.93      21.71        
 18 Moyer, Delaney       8 Otters                 19.35      22.10        
 18 Engel, Sarah C       8 CVAC                   21.39      22.10        
 20 Ring, Madelyn        7 LPAC                   21.43      22.33        
 21 Hartman, Abigail     8 Otters                 21.09      22.34        
 22 McCloskey, Nicole    7 Hershey                23.92      23.02        
 23 Deiderick, Mallory   7 Otters                 24.76      23.03        
 24 Engle, Allie         7 NYAC                   20.05      23.22        
 25 Barone, Kamryn R     6 CVAC                   23.61      23.49        
 26 Ward, Madelyn N      7 NYAC                   25.27      24.04        
 27 Maheshwari, Sneha    7 LPAC                   22.35      24.33        
 28 Loran, Priya         6 CVAC                   24.94      24.55        
 29 Ehrig, Sophie        7 CVAC                   25.60      24.98        
 30 Caperelli, Olivia    8 NYAC                   24.67      25.23        
 31 Dighe, Shriya        7 LPAC                   23.59      25.38        
 32 Smith, Alivia C      6 CVAC                   25.00      25.81        
 33 McMullen, Lydia K    6 Hershey                23.79      26.90        
 34 Gates, Mackenzie N   8 CVAC                   25.95      26.93        
 35 Sober, Lauren J      7 NYAC                   28.97      28.68        
 36 Bialousz, Lily       7 CVAC                   29.05      28.88        
 37 Smith, Ava E         6 CVAC                   24.20      28.97        
 38 Shah, Esha           7 CVAC                   32.72      31.02        
 39 Katuszonek, Rachel   7 Otters                 32.83      31.81        
 40 Moyer, Zoie          6 Otters                 39.53      44.72        
Event 7  Boys 9-10 50 Yard Freestyle
       Div5A: # 27.25      2/1991 Matt Haupt CYAA, CYAA                        
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Pitassi, Justin T   10 LPAC                   30.71      31.11         20  
  2 Swist, Brian        10 LPAC                   31.31      31.69         17  
  3 Deiderick, Gabriel  10 Otters                 32.41      31.70         15.5
  3 Clarke, Alex        10 CVAC                   32.33      31.70         15.5
  5 Spencer, Noah N     10 NYAC                   32.34      32.17         14  
  6 Hilty, Justin T     10 Otters                 31.96      32.30         13  
  7 Pyle, Logan J       10 CVAC                   33.46      33.16         12  
  8 Leisher, Tyler      10 LPAC                   34.81      34.70         11  
  9 Keyes, Hunter       10 LPAC                   34.09      35.08          9  
 10 Mata, Matthew T      9 LPAC                   35.60      35.36          7  
 11 Hancock, Jonah       9 LPAC                   35.27      36.63          6  
 12 Landry, Quinn R      9 Hershey                37.45      38.79          5  
 13 Rippon, Jason        9 Hershey                39.03      38.98          4  
 14 Hutton, Jordan W    10 CVAC                   40.79      39.17          3  
 15 Zimmerman, Trey D    9 Hershey                41.18      41.44          2  
 16 Chavey, Zachary L   10 NYAC                   42.17      42.09          1  
 17 Quigley, Tyler J     9 CVAC                   41.45      42.86        
 18 Metz, Joshua L       9 CVAC                   44.11      44.49        
 19 Bhavsar, Devarsh P  10 CVAC                   52.50      47.05        
 20 Prescott, William   10 Hershey                48.89      47.20        
 21 Stanford, Mason      9 CVAC                   47.97      48.83        
 22 Rode, Graham        10 Otters                 49.31      50.22        
 23 McInerney, J.J. J    9 Hershey                57.98      52.73        
Event 8  Girls 9-10 50 Yard Freestyle
       Div5A: # 27.52      2/1982 S Staver LEBY, LEBY                          
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Luft, Katie M       10 NYAC                   28.57      28.34         20  
  2 Raab, Shannon C      9 Hershey                30.99      30.25         17  
  3 Andrews, Nicole C   10 NYAC                   30.49      30.78         16  
  4 Bolden, Carolyn N   10 CVAC                   31.17      30.98         15  
  5 Mowery, Katherine   10 Otters                 31.67      31.45         14  
  6 Landis, Elizabeth    9 NYAC                   32.16      32.68         13  
  7 Koons, Sydney R     10 Hershey                33.42      32.83         12  
  8 Matson, Rylie       10 LPAC                   33.03      33.47         11  
  9 Ake, Abigail M      10 CVAC                   37.03      34.83          9  
 10 Fortney, Alexa      10 LPAC                   33.67      35.25          7  
 11 Datta, Vaishnavi    10 CVAC                   35.65      35.63          6  
 12 Thornton, Kennedy    9 NYAC                   35.19      36.71          5  
 13 Parikh, Anishka      9 CVAC                   37.57      36.91          4  
 14 Myslewicz, Madison  10 CVAC                   38.47      36.94          3  
 15 Wylam, Emma          9 LPAC                   36.32      37.04          2  
 16 Snyder, Sydney      10 Otters                 36.34      37.25          1  
 17 Engle, Meredith S    9 NYAC                   41.74      37.71        
 18 Corado, Victoria    10 Hershey                39.95      37.97        
 19 Spila, Eileen       10 CVAC                   38.73      38.08        
 20 Aluquin, Lindsay A   9 Hershey                39.90      38.25        
 21 Bachman, Madelana    9 CVAC                   37.44      38.34        
 22 Runk, Morgan T       9 CVAC                   38.42      38.82        
 23 Swan, Katelyn        9 Otters                 39.70      39.70        
 24 Geister, Meghan M    9 CVAC                   41.96      39.75        
 25 Yoon, Dahna         10 NYAC                   41.40      39.76        
 26 Logan, Hannah        9 LPAC                   40.88      39.86        
 27 Fitterer, Maya P    10 Hershey                40.54      40.10        
 28 Nuss, Kalie L       10 CVAC                   41.46      40.32        
 29 Parker, Claudia      9 Otters                 38.48      40.36        
 30 Ruddle, Jillian T   10 Hershey                40.42      40.41        
 31 Bildheiser, Macken   9 Otters                 42.15      41.64        
 32 Krall, Leah         10 Otters                 41.21      41.91        
 33 Wolf, Mikaela M      9 CVAC                   43.31      41.92        
 34 Pedersen, Ella S     9 Hershey                42.76      41.93        
 35 Shah, Shreya        10 CVAC                   43.33      42.21        
 36 Guhl, Sara          10 LPAC                   43.17      42.69        
 37 Lilly, Rachel        9 LPAC                   39.21      43.03        
 38 Brent, Rachel E      9 CVAC                   41.83      43.71        
 39 Mattingly, Mia E     9 CVAC                   45.69      45.78        
 40 Wildonger, Amanda    9 Otters                 45.71      46.24        
 41 Guise, Emma A       10 CVAC                   48.86      47.78        
 42 Clark, Ida R         9 CVAC                   54.60      48.36        
 43 Morris, Gabrielle    9 NYAC                   52.72      49.06        
 44 Kutz, Maggie         9 Otters                    NT    1:00.94        
Event 9  Boys 8 & Under 25 Yard Breaststroke
       Div5A: # 18.52      2/1991 M Emmert NSC, NSC                            
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Axtman, Eric         8 LPAC                   21.23      21.01         20  
  2 So, Ian J            8 NYAC                   23.52      24.66         17  
  3 Eichman, Anthony C   8 Hershey                26.21      26.13         16  
  4 Nguyen, Jacob        8 Otters                 24.00      26.69         15  
  5 Brace, Shane L       7 Hershey                26.16      27.87         14  
  6 Long, Thomas S       7 CVAC                      NT      29.83         13  
  7 Marsh, Jacob         8 Otters                 29.87      31.64         12  
  8 Wolf, Braeden C      7 CVAC                   34.44      35.31         11  
  9 Carbaugh, Johnny     6 CVAC                   53.67      46.71          9  
 -- McInerney, Tom W     7 Hershey                   NT         DQ        
      Alternating Kick
 -- Clark, Henry W       6 CVAC                      NT         DQ        
      Scissors kick
 -- Barone, Ele          6 Hershey                43.75         DQ        
      Hands brought beyond the hipline during stroke
 -- Kunche, Nayan        8 CVAC                      NT         DQ        
      Alternating Kick
Event 10  Girls 8 & Under 25 Yard Breaststroke
       Div5A: # 18.79   2/19/2005 Meaghan M Raab, Hershey                      
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Reber, Alexis        8 LPAC                   20.27      21.32         20  
  2 Lyesnykova, Alina    8 CVAC                   21.30      21.99         17  
  3 Recce, Maddalena     8 LPAC                   21.62      22.67         16  
  4 Rippon, Bella        8 Hershey                23.02      24.30         15  
  5 Parody, Olivia       7 LPAC                   25.61      24.66         14  
  6 Zimmerman, Hannah    8 LPAC                   24.16      24.81         13  
  7 Ceneviva, Katie J    8 Hershey                27.14      26.97         12  
  8 Day, Eva J           8 Hershey                27.21      27.80         11  
  9 Corbett, Delia       8 LPAC                      NT      28.53          9  
 10 Staretz, Presley E   7 CVAC                   28.04      29.54          7  
 11 Bowers, Anna         8 CVAC                   28.30      29.62          6  
 12 McCloskey, Nicole    7 Hershey                32.77      32.16          5  
 13 Barone, Kamryn R     6 CVAC                   29.15      32.40          4  
 14 Gates, Mackenzie N   8 CVAC                   36.41      32.63          3  
 15 Maheshwari, Sneha    7 LPAC                   26.01      32.98          2  
 16 Dighe, Shriya        7 LPAC                   31.36      34.22          1  
 17 Smith, Alivia C      6 CVAC                   39.40      35.00        
 18 Sober, Lauren J      7 NYAC                   38.41      35.51        
 -- So, Alicia G         5 NYAC                   42.32         DQ        
      Scissors kick
 -- Bialousz, Lily       7 CVAC                   33.23         DQ        
      Downward butterfly kick
 -- Shah, Esha           7 CVAC                      NT         DQ        
      Non-simultaneous kick
 -- Loran, Priya         6 CVAC                      NT         DQ        
      Alternating Kick
Event 11  Boys 9-10 50 Yard Breaststroke
       Div5A: # 35.40   2/27/1993 T Reinbold LEBY, LEBY                        
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Axtman, John         9 LPAC                   39.50      39.49         20  
  2 Miller, Zachary Q   10 LPAC                   41.60      40.18         17  
  3 Gryboski, Eli       10 Otters                 42.55      42.52         16  
  4 Farrow, Kyle T       9 CVAC                   42.87      43.54         15  
  5 Leisher, Tyler      10 LPAC                   47.55      44.58         14  
  6 Keyes, Hunter       10 LPAC                   45.92      46.30         13  
  7 Maheshwari, Saarth  10 LPAC                   48.82      46.49         12  
  8 Wills, Cody         10 LPAC                   46.15      48.35         11  
  9 Shanmuganathan, Sh   9 CVAC                   48.72      48.90          9  
 10 Hoover, Justin M     9 Hershey                47.25      49.05          7  
 11 Oren, David          9 Otters                 46.30      51.40          6  
 12 Zimmerman, Trey D    9 Hershey                55.31      55.74          5  
 13 Prescott, William   10 Hershey                55.22      55.76          4  
 14 Stanford, Mason      9 CVAC                      NT      57.46          3  
 15 Metz, Joshua L       9 CVAC                      NT      58.49          2  
 16 Chavey, Zachary L   10 NYAC                   53.92    1:00.12          1  
 17 Bhavsar, Devarsh P  10 CVAC                 1:00.91    1:01.42        
 -- McInerney, J.J. J    9 Hershey                   NT         DQ        
      Scissors kick
Event 12  Girls 9-10 50 Yard Breaststroke
       Div5A: # 34.98      2/1987 Anita Nall HESY, HESY                        
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Andrews, Nicole C   10 NYAC                   39.51      39.89         20  
  2 Mitrovic, Anastasi   9 Hershey                40.85      40.15         17  
  3 Day, Grace E        10 Hershey                42.13      41.67         16  
  4 Beard, Emily         9 Otters                 43.90      44.28         15  
  5 Fortney, Alexa      10 LPAC                   43.56      45.31         14  
  6 Szobocsan, Liza     10 LPAC                   45.12      45.51         13  
  7 Matson, Rylie       10 LPAC                   43.89      45.88         12  
  8 White, Alica L       9 CVAC                   45.99      46.14         11  
  9 Farrow, Jenna K     10 CVAC                   44.83      46.35          9  
 10 St. Clair, Jessica  10 Otters                 45.98      46.68          7  
 11 Thornton, Kennedy    9 NYAC                   46.58      47.44          6  
 12 Lelinski, Danielle   9 LPAC                   47.75      47.46          5  
 13 Kratz, Breanna F    10 Hershey                48.10      47.89          4  
 14 Smith, Aliza G       9 CVAC                   47.76      48.21          3  
 15 Aluquin, Lindsay A   9 Hershey                51.91      49.44          2  
 16 Nuss, Kalie L       10 CVAC                   48.24      49.73          1  
 17 Lilly, Rachel        9 LPAC                   50.02      50.31        
 18 Runk, Morgan T       9 CVAC                   50.20      50.69        
 19 Yun, Michelle J      9 Hershey                53.56      51.78        
 20 Popp, Kayla          9 LPAC                   53.16      52.39        
 21 Bildheiser, Macken   9 Otters                 53.79      52.57        
 22 Logan, Hannah        9 LPAC                   53.92      52.68        
 23 Pedersen, Ella S     9 Hershey                51.73      52.84        
 24 Zimmerman, Marlana   9 LPAC                   53.58      53.49        
 25 Engle, Meredith S    9 NYAC                   52.86      54.14        
 26 Parikh, Anishka      9 CVAC                   52.87      54.17        
 27 Swan, Katelyn        9 Otters                 57.23      54.45        
 28 Yoon, Dahna         10 NYAC                   56.60      54.94        
 29 Dawood, Nadiyah     10 CVAC                 1:11.34      55.77        
 30 Guhl, Sara          10 LPAC                   56.12      56.43        
 31 Stoneking, Kristi    9 LPAC                   58.05      56.52        
 32 Fitterer, Maya P    10 Hershey                57.95      56.64        
 33 Ruddle, Jillian T   10 Hershey                54.57      57.19        
 34 Mattingly, Mia E     9 CVAC                 1:02.44      58.95        
 35 Corado, Victoria    10 Hershey                   NT    1:00.13        
 36 Shah, Shreya        10 CVAC                 1:09.39    1:00.36        
 37 Krall, Leah         10 Otters               1:01.78    1:00.85        
 38 Clark, Ida R         9 CVAC                      NT    1:02.54        
 39 Bonin, Abby E        9 NYAC                 1:06.13    1:03.07        
 40 Morris, Gabrielle    9 NYAC                 1:07.95    1:04.35        
 -- Shaulis, Kirsten     9 Otters                 51.45         DQ        
      One hand touch
 -- Tutich, Allie S      9 NYAC                      NT         DQ        
      Scissors kick
 -- Geister, Meghan M    9 CVAC                   57.67         DQ        
      Non-simultaneous touch
 -- Roach, Heather D    10 CVAC                   41.30         DQ        
      False start
Event 13  Boys 8 & Under 50 Yard Freestyle
       Div5A: # 32.03      2/1989 Matt Haupt CYAA, CYAA                        
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Arms, Trevor J       8 CVAC                   34.43      33.77         20  
  2 Boyce, Ryan A        8 NYAC                   38.88      36.84         17  
  3 Paul, Thomas         8 LPAC                   39.84      38.01         16  
  4 Drexler, Noah        8 Hershey                39.45      38.22         15  
  5 Blacker, Alex        8 LPAC                   39.83      40.13         14  
  6 So, Ian J            8 NYAC                   39.65      42.74         13  
  7 Stuckey, Gavin C     8 NYAC                   45.21      45.56         12  
  8 Chavey, Andrew D     8 NYAC                   46.57      46.24         11  
  9 Miller, Brady        7 LPAC                   45.91      46.90          9  
 10 Srinivas, Vivek      8 CVAC                   47.77      46.91          7  
 11 Weller, Jason G      7 Hershey                49.45      47.27          6  
 12 Marsh, Jacob         8 Otters                 50.38      49.02          5  
 13 Keyes, Jake          6 LPAC                   52.70      50.72          4  
 14 Gao, Matt Z          7 Hershey                48.18      52.39          3  
 15 Carricato, Dominic   8 Hershey                   NT      52.52          2  
 16 Hain, Braden         6 Otters                 47.52      53.69          1  
 17 Long, Thomas S       7 CVAC                 1:02.64      54.41        
 18 Alander, Evan P      8 Hershey                50.16      54.95        
 19 Kunche, Nayan        8 CVAC                 1:00.78      56.35        
 20 Kumar, Akku          8 CVAC                   54.21      56.68        
 21 Yoon, Sondo          6 NYAC                   57.98      58.43        
Event 14  Girls 8 & Under 50 Yard Freestyle
       Div5A: # 31.05   2/23/2002 Samantha Moffitt LEBY, LEBY                  
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Madden, Maya         7 LPAC                   36.96      36.89         20  
  2 Mason, Ashlyn N      8 CVAC                   38.76      37.89         17  
  3 Burkholder, Maurah   7 LPAC                   36.80      38.03         16  
  4 Myers, Jocelyn       8 Otters                 41.82      40.29         15  
  5 Parody, Ava          7 LPAC                   39.79      41.07         14  
  6 Runk, Rachel A       8 CVAC                   39.42      44.01         13  
  7 Morris, Olivia L     7 NYAC                   44.80      45.43         12  
  8 Corbett, Delia       8 LPAC                   43.50      45.47         11  
  9 MacKay, Alyssa G     8 NYAC                   49.34      45.81          9  
 10 Bowers, Anna         8 CVAC                   48.36      46.56          7  
 11 Surfus, Jordyn M     7 Hershey                57.19      48.29          6  
 12 Zachary, Elizabeth   8 Hershey                50.38      49.31          5  
 13 Engle, Allie         7 NYAC                   52.18      49.77          4  
 14 Ward, Madelyn N      7 NYAC                   56.65      57.46          3  
 15 Caperelli, Olivia    8 NYAC                   57.66      59.44          2  
Event 15  Boys 9-10 100 Yard Freestyle
       Div5A: # 1:01.53      2/1987 Jeremy Linn HESY, HESY                     
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Swist, Brian        10 LPAC                 1:10.71    1:08.98         20  
  2 Farrow, Kyle T       9 CVAC                 1:11.52    1:10.80         17  
                  33.99     1:10.80 (36.81)                                        
  3 Duck, Elijah        10 Hershey              1:14.00    1:11.01         16  
                  33.41     1:11.01 (37.60)                                        
  4 Furlong, Christoph   9 CVAC                 1:11.90    1:11.23         15  
                  33.77     1:11.23 (37.46)                                        
  5 McVeagh, Jorden T   10 CVAC                 1:15.22    1:14.00         14  
                  34.69     1:14.00 (39.31)                                        
  6 Pyle, Logan J       10 CVAC                 1:18.59    1:15.44         13  
                  35.03     1:15.44 (40.41)                                        
  7 Deiderick, Gabriel  10 Otters               1:19.57    1:15.85         12  
                  36.23     1:15.85 (39.62)                                        
  8 Cramer, Andy L       9 Hershey              1:17.60    1:16.79         11  
                  37.18     1:16.79 (39.61)                                        
  9 Hain, Donovan        9 Otters               1:22.13    1:18.29          9  
                  36.40     1:18.29 (41.89)                                        
 10 Hand, Ben M         10 Hershey              1:25.13    1:27.72          7  
                  41.38     1:27.72 (46.34)                                        
 11 Maheshwari, Saarth  10 LPAC                 1:38.29    1:38.00          6  
                  44.27     1:38.00 (53.73)                                        
 12 Quigley, Tyler J     9 CVAC                 1:51.09    1:52.47          5  
                  50.13   1:52.47 (1:02.34)                                        
 13 Rode, Graham        10 Otters               1:53.94    1:53.57          4  
                  53.30   1:53.57 (1:00.27)                                        
Event 16  Girls 9-10 100 Yard Freestyle
       Div5A: # 59.28   2/22/2003 Emily Weaner, WSY-MA                         
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Mowery, Katherine   10 Otters               1:07.42    1:07.24         20  
                  32.04     1:07.24 (35.20)                                        
  2 Boyce, Katelyn M    10 NYAC                 1:11.39    1:09.94         17  
                  33.38     1:09.94 (36.56)                                        
  3 Carrasco, Carly C   10 Hershey              1:10.98    1:10.01         16  
                  33.24     1:10.01 (36.77)                                        
  4 Maher, Jillian K     9 CVAC                 1:08.27    1:10.98         15  
                  33.97     1:10.98 (37.01)                                        
  5 Eby, Lauren E       10 NYAC                 1:15.20    1:13.00         14  
                  35.17     1:13.00 (37.83)                                        
  6 Eichman, Olivia A   10 Hershey              1:20.48    1:13.70         13  
                  35.56     1:13.70 (38.14)                                        
  7 Dehoff, Jena L       9 CVAC                 1:15.09    1:14.01         12  
                  35.29     1:14.01 (38.72)                                        
  8 Landis, Elizabeth    9 NYAC                 1:14.07    1:17.97         11  
                  35.91     1:17.97 (42.06)                                        
  9 Smith, Aliza G       9 CVAC                 1:20.68    1:20.29          9  
                  38.13     1:20.29 (42.16)                                        
 10 Eyer, Sophie J      10 CVAC                 1:33.99    1:22.39          6.5
                  39.21     1:22.39 (43.18)                                        
 10 Ake, Abigail M      10 CVAC                 1:22.99    1:22.39          6.5
                  37.95     1:22.39 (44.44)                                        
 12 Weller, Ally H       9 Hershey              1:26.01    1:26.67          5  
                  39.53     1:26.67 (47.14)                                        
 13 Lelinski, Danielle   9 LPAC                 1:29.52    1:26.94          4  
                  40.15     1:26.94 (46.79)                                        
 14 Whitlock, Karlee    10 CVAC                 1:32.67    1:27.25          3  
                  42.60     1:27.25 (44.65)                                        
 15 Yun, Michelle J      9 Hershey              1:30.41    1:28.89          2  
                  39.95     1:28.89 (48.94)                                        
 16 Wildonger, Racheal   9 Otters               1:37.00    1:29.58          1  
                  40.47     1:29.58 (49.11)                                        
 17 Tutich, Allie S      9 NYAC                 1:35.04    1:32.94        
                  45.47     1:32.94 (47.47)                                        
 18 Richards, Kristy R   9 CVAC                 1:39.28    1:34.67        
                  43.93     1:34.67 (50.74)                                        
 19 Wolf, Mikaela M      9 CVAC                 1:39.01    1:36.66        
                  43.86     1:36.66 (52.80)                                        
 20 Yoon, Dahna         10 NYAC                 1:55.85    1:37.34        
                  45.79     1:37.34 (51.55)                                        
 21 Dawood, Nadiyah     10 CVAC                 2:02.40    1:44.08        
                  48.75     1:44.08 (55.33)                                        
 22 Bonin, Abby E        9 NYAC                 1:52.65    1:46.46        
                  50.48     1:46.46 (55.98)                                        
Event 17  Boys 8 & Under 25 Yard Backstroke
       Div5A: # 17.15      2/1987 K Thomas CHY, CHY                            
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Arms, Trevor J       8 CVAC                   19.04      19.41         20  
  2 Paul, Thomas         8 LPAC                   19.24      19.60         17  
  3 Wingert, Andreas M   8 Hershey                21.12      19.90         16  
  4 Yaninek, Zachery     8 LPAC                   20.55      20.18         15  
  5 Chavey, Andrew D     8 NYAC                   23.64      22.63         14  
  6 Stuckey, Gavin C     8 NYAC                   22.00      23.73         13  
  7 Weller, Jason G      7 Hershey                23.33      23.78         12  
  8 Brace, Shane L       7 Hershey                22.99      25.40         11  
  9 Daley, Tyler         8 Hershey                26.97      25.62          9  
 10 Miller, Brady        7 LPAC                   24.58      25.83          7  
 11 Hancock, Lucas       7 LPAC                   24.05      26.11          6  
 12 Conant, Patrick R    8 CVAC                   25.91      26.53          5  
 13 Krall, Vincent       8 Otters                 24.51      26.63          4  
 14 Whitlock, Trevor     8 CVAC                   27.81      27.67          3  
 15 Perez, Elias M       6 Otters                 25.64      28.10          2  
 16 Yoon, Sondo          6 NYAC                   27.03      28.36          1  
 17 Hain, Braden         6 Otters                 24.06      28.41        
 18 Parker, Will         6 Otters                 26.86      28.92        
 19 Barone, Ele          6 Hershey                33.81      29.32        
 20 Carbaugh, Johnny     6 CVAC                   34.97      29.91        
 21 Kumar, Akku          8 CVAC                   31.43      30.30        
 22 Hancock, Zachory     7 LPAC                   30.23      30.48        
 23 Dehoff, Hayden J     7 CVAC                   29.31      32.06        
 24 Wolf, Braeden C      7 CVAC                   30.68      32.25        
 25 Ward, Aiden          6 Otters                 27.92      32.30        
 26 McInerney, Tom W     7 Hershey                29.98      33.74        
 27 Connelly, Cameron    5 Otters                 34.11      36.88        
 28 Clark, Henry W       6 CVAC                   38.27      38.86        
 29 Hancock, Isaac       5 LPAC                   30.25      43.66        
 -- Carricato, Dominic   8 Hershey                29.27         DQ        
      Did not finish on back
Event 18  Girls 8 & Under 25 Yard Backstroke
       Div5A: # 16.93   2/22/2003 Sada Stewart, YY-MA                          
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Woronko, Angela E    8 Hershey                19.40      19.20         20  
  2 Craig, Grace         8 Otters                 20.91      21.35         17  
  3 Staretz, Presley E   7 CVAC                   21.96      21.45         16  
  4 Fickett, Makennah    7 NYAC                   21.38      21.80         15  
  5 Parody, Olivia       7 LPAC                   23.04      22.43         14  
  6 Dinello, Taryn M     8 Hershey                30.43      23.72         13  
  7 Mattingly, Ami L     8 CVAC                   22.49      23.87         12  
  8 Zachary, Elizabeth   8 Hershey                25.15      24.81         11  
  9 MacKay, Alyssa G     8 NYAC                   24.36      25.25          9  
 10 Ring, Madelyn        7 LPAC                   27.35      25.84          7  
 11 Engel, Sarah C       8 CVAC                   26.84      25.85          6  
 12 Loran, Priya         6 CVAC                   24.65      26.23          5  
 13 Carbaugh, Ellie      8 CVAC                   23.96      26.72          4  
 14 McMullen, Lydia K    6 Hershey                25.03      26.77          3  
 15 Deiderick, Mallory   7 Otters                 25.88      26.90          2  
 16 McCloskey, Nicole    7 Hershey                28.69      27.43          1  
 17 Caperelli, Olivia    8 NYAC                   26.67      29.72        
 18 Dighe, Shriya        7 LPAC                   31.53      30.02        
 19 Gates, Mackenzie N   8 CVAC                   29.89      30.68        
 20 O'Donnell, Reily M   8 CVAC                   28.34      30.87        
 21 Ehrig, Sophie        7 CVAC                   28.11      31.42        
 22 Bialousz, Lily       7 CVAC                   29.22      33.16        
 23 Ward, Madelyn N      7 NYAC                   26.50      33.20        
 24 Katuszonek, Rachel   7 Otters                 32.76      34.15        
 25 Smith, Ava E         6 CVAC                   30.87      34.86        
 26 Sober, Lauren J      7 NYAC                   35.99      39.42        
 27 Shah, Esha           7 CVAC                   33.36      39.77        
 28 Moyer, Zoie          6 Otters                 52.71      54.33        
Event 19  Boys 9-10 50 Yard Backstroke
       Div5A: # 32.13      2/1988 P Roberts CYAA, CYAA                         
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Lai, Ryan S         10 CVAC                   36.14      35.23         20  
  2 Spencer, Noah N     10 NYAC                   36.65      36.97         17  
  3 Furlong, Christoph   9 CVAC                   37.65      38.30         16  
  4 Distenfeld, Tyler    9 CVAC                   40.19      40.71         15  
  5 Hain, Donovan        9 Otters                 38.54      40.89         14  
  6 Wills, Cody         10 LPAC                   41.94      41.55         13  
  7 Mata, Matthew T      9 LPAC                   41.51      41.88         12  
  8 Hancock, Jonah       9 LPAC                   42.48      42.77         11  
  9 Rippon, Jason        9 Hershey                44.67      42.97          9  
 10 Hand, Ben M         10 Hershey                45.82      43.74          7  
 11 Leisher, Tyler      10 LPAC                   44.72      46.03          6  
 12 Landry, Quinn R      9 Hershey                48.00      46.07          5  
 13 Chavey, Zachary L   10 NYAC                   48.80      46.61          4  
 14 Zimmerman, Trey D    9 Hershey                47.76      49.37          3  
 15 Hutton, Jordan W    10 CVAC                   48.71      49.76          2  
 16 Prescott, William   10 Hershey                59.07      59.99          1  
 17 McInerney, J.J. J    9 Hershey              1:02.75    1:04.25        
 -- Rode, Graham        10 Otters                 57.72         DQ        
Event 20  Girls 9-10 50 Yard Backstroke
       Div5A: # 31.73   2/18/1995 Lauren Sarricks HAC, HAC                     
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Jones, Liz A         9 Hershey                34.29      33.20         20  
  2 Mowery, Katherine   10 Otters                 36.25      35.40         17  
  3 Recce, Bella C      10 LPAC                   35.46      35.46         16  
  4 Wingert, Heidi Lui  10 Hershey                38.21      35.95         15  
  5 Mitrovic, Anastasi   9 Hershey                36.98      37.10         14  
  6 Maher, Jillian K     9 CVAC                   37.07      38.15         13  
  7 Eby, Lauren E       10 NYAC                   37.73      38.74         12  
  8 Dehoff, Jena L       9 CVAC                   39.59      40.73         11  
  9 Kratz, Breanna F    10 Hershey                41.97      42.71          9  
 10 Hauck, Emily         9 Otters                 42.96      43.21          7  
 11 Popp, Kayla          9 LPAC                   43.24      43.57          6  
 12 Parker, Claudia      9 Otters                 44.57      43.89          5  
 13 Datta, Vaishnavi    10 CVAC                   43.91      44.19          4  
 14 Yun, Michelle J      9 Hershey                45.88      44.23          3  
 15 Fitterer, Maya P    10 Hershey                47.14      44.42          2  
 16 St. Clair, Jessica  10 Otters                 43.72      44.62          1  
 17 Wylam, Emma          9 LPAC                   43.11      45.21        
 18 Corado, Victoria    10 Hershey                51.05      45.61        
 19 Langan, Fiona        9 LPAC                   42.33      45.89        
 20 White, Alica L       9 CVAC                   46.91      45.93        
 21 Shaulis, Kirsten     9 Otters                 45.81      46.99        
 22 Guhl, Sara          10 LPAC                   48.02      47.20        
 23 Swan, Katelyn        9 Otters                 49.63      48.71        
 24 Pedersen, Ella S     9 Hershey                48.48      49.30        
 25 Krall, Leah         10 Otters                 49.65      49.38        
 26 Engle, Meredith S    9 NYAC                   47.23      49.42        
 27 Runk, Morgan T       9 CVAC                   47.14      49.89        
 28 Shah, Shreya        10 CVAC                   48.63      49.92        
 29 Parikh, Anishka      9 CVAC                   43.69      50.17        
 30 Richards, Kristy R   9 CVAC                   48.37      50.34        
 31 Wolf, Mikaela M      9 CVAC                   51.87      50.40        
 32 Bildheiser, Macken   9 Otters                 50.56      51.30        
 33 Guise, Emma A       10 CVAC                   54.90      55.58        
 34 Clark, Ida R         9 CVAC                 1:00.48      55.85        
 35 Mattingly, Mia E     9 CVAC                   55.87      59.64        
 -- Kutz, Maggie         9 Otters                    NT         DQ        
      Shoulders past vertical toward breast
 -- Carrasco, Carly C   10 Hershey                37.82         DQ        
      No touch at turn
 -- Bonin, Abby E        9 NYAC                   57.71         DQ        
      No touch at turn
Event 21  Boys 8 & Under 25 Yard Butterfly
       Div5A: # 15.06   2/18/2006 Noah Stewart, York Y                         
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Dowling, Jack        8 LPAC                   16.66      17.93         20  
  2 Wingert, Andreas M   8 Hershey                20.05      18.87         17  
  3 Boyce, Ryan A        8 NYAC                   20.04      19.58         16  
  4 Drexler, Noah        8 Hershey                19.55      20.13         15  
  5 Blacker, Alex        8 LPAC                   20.50      20.29         14  
  6 Rudy, Jacob          7 Otters                 28.77      29.60         13  
 -- McVeagh, Devin B     6 CVAC                   34.77         DQ        
      Scissors kick
Event 22  Girls 8 & Under 25 Yard Butterfly
       Div5A: # 14.97   2/19/2005 Meaghan M Raab, Hershey                      
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Madden, Maya         7 LPAC                   16.89      17.38         20  
  2 Tafuto, Tori C       8 Hershey                16.80      17.47         17  
  3 Chang, Lauren        7 CVAC                   18.83      18.48         16  
  4 Hilty, Stefanie A    6 Otters                 22.30      22.84         15  
  5 Zimmerman, Hannah    8 LPAC                   22.10      23.07         14  
  6 Ceneviva, Katie J    8 Hershey                23.76      23.61         13  
  7 Day, Eva J           8 Hershey                23.99      23.77         12  
  8 Hartman, Abigail     8 Otters                 26.62      27.32         11  
  9 Moyer, Delaney       8 Otters                 23.45      27.89          9  
 10 Deiderick, Mallory   7 Otters                 28.42      31.03          7  
 -- Ehrig, Sophie        7 CVAC                      NT         DQ        
      Alternating Kick
Event 23  Boys 9-10 50 Yard Butterfly
       Div5A: # 29.99   2/18/1995 Jason Miller NAVY, Navy                      
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Axtman, John         9 LPAC                   33.46      32.95         20  
  2 Miller, Zachary Q   10 LPAC                   33.77      34.17         17  
  3 Pitassi, Justin T   10 LPAC                   34.89      35.50         16  
  4 Hilty, Justin T     10 Otters                 36.52      35.94         15  
  5 McVeagh, Jorden T   10 CVAC                   37.97      37.11         14  
  6 Clarke, Alex        10 CVAC                   36.75      37.37         13  
  7 Duck, Elijah        10 Hershey                37.64      38.97         12  
  8 Oren, David          9 Otters                 48.00      47.27         11  
  9 Rippon, Jason        9 Hershey                   NT      50.30          9  
 10 Landry, Quinn R      9 Hershey                54.71      56.39          7  
Event 24  Girls 9-10 50 Yard Butterfly
       Div5A: # 30.22   2/22/2003 Emily Weaner, WSY-MA                         
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Luft, Katie M       10 NYAC                   32.61      32.09         20  
  2 Edwards, Destiny M  10 CVAC                   33.95      32.63         17  
  3 Jones, Liz A         9 Hershey                34.29      32.87         16  
  4 Wingert, Heidi Lui  10 Hershey                35.98      36.55         15  
  5 Roach, Heather D    10 CVAC                   39.63      38.67         14  
  6 Hauck, Emily         9 Otters                 43.17      42.32         13  
  7 Whitlock, Karlee    10 CVAC                   44.47      42.95         12  
  8 Snyder, Sydney      10 Otters                 42.73      43.05         10  
  8 Langan, Fiona        9 LPAC                   45.20      43.05         10  
 10 Zimmerman, Marlana   9 LPAC                   43.31      44.12          7  
 11 Wildonger, Racheal   9 Otters                 44.58      44.16          6  
 12 Nuss, Kalie L       10 CVAC                   49.23      50.46          5  
 13 Brent, Rachel E      9 CVAC                   50.84      54.81          4  
 14 Guise, Emma A       10 CVAC                      NT      56.97          3  
 15 Wildonger, Amanda    9 Otters               1:02.35      58.46          2  
 -- Kutz, Maggie         9 Otters                    NT         DQ        
      Alternating Kick
Event 25  Boys 8 & Under 100 Yard IM
       Div5A: # 1:17.73   2/21/1998 Cody Weik LEBY, LEBY                       
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Arms, Trevor J       8 CVAC                 1:27.42    1:26.81         20  
                  38.87     1:26.81 (47.94)                                        
  2 Axtman, Eric         8 LPAC                 1:33.70    1:32.89         17  
                  45.39     1:32.89 (47.50)                                        
  3 Yaninek, Zachery     8 LPAC                 1:34.01    1:33.34         16  
                  44.31     1:33.34 (49.03)                                        
  4 Boyce, Ryan A        8 NYAC                 1:34.75    1:35.93         15  
                  43.96     1:35.93 (51.97)                                        
  5 Rudy, Jacob          7 Otters               2:03.50    2:10.14         14  
                1:02.51   2:10.14 (1:07.63)                                        
 -- Wolf, Braeden C      7 CVAC                 2:26.61         DQ        
      Head under for 2 or more strokes - breast
                1:08.59        DQ (1:18.90)                                        
 -- Eichman, Anthony C   8 Hershey              2:02.37         DQ        
                  57.35        DQ (1:00.79)                                        
 -- Zimmerman, Grant E   7 Hershey              2:06.89         DQ        
      One hand touch - breast
                  51.81        DQ (1:13.48)                                        
Event 26  Girls 8 & Under 100 Yard IM
       Div5A: # 1:21.38   2/26/1994 Ashley Yeager CVAC, CVAC                   
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Tafuto, Tori C       8 Hershey              1:28.74    1:31.21         20  
                  41.43     1:31.21 (49.78)                                        
  2 Mason, Ashlyn N      8 CVAC                 1:38.14    1:37.15         17  
                  46.82     1:37.15 (50.33)                                        
  3 Recce, Maddalena     8 LPAC                 1:36.48    1:38.79         16  
                  47.80     1:38.79 (50.99)                                        
  4 Chang, Lauren        7 CVAC                 1:44.92    1:39.05         15  
                  44.97     1:39.05 (54.08)                                        
  5 Rippon, Bella        8 Hershey              1:49.39    1:44.14         14  
                  47.50     1:44.14 (56.64)                                        
  6 Myers, Jocelyn       8 Otters               1:49.31    1:53.95         13  
                  53.92   1:53.95 (1:00.03)                                        
  7 Surfus, Jordyn M     7 Hershey              2:18.55    2:19.27         12  
                1:06.90   2:19.27 (1:12.37)                                        
 -- Hartman, Abigail     8 Otters                    NT         DQ        
                1:03.25        DQ (1:17.36)                                        
Event 27  Boys 9-10 100 Yard IM
       Div5A: # 1:07.57   2/22/2003 Steven Gasparini, WSY-MA                   
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Lai, Ryan S         10 CVAC                 1:21.75    1:21.55         20  
                  36.31     1:21.55 (45.24)                                        
  2 Spencer, Noah N     10 NYAC                 1:22.05    1:25.20         17  
                  37.71     1:25.20 (47.49)                                        
  3 Gryboski, Eli       10 Otters               1:30.06    1:27.12         16  
                  46.28     1:27.12 (40.84)                                        
  4 Cramer, Andy L       9 Hershey              1:27.11    1:27.35         15  
                  38.78     1:27.35 (48.57)                                        
  5 Shanmuganathan, Sh   9 CVAC                 1:33.96    1:32.53         14  
                  43.41     1:32.53 (49.12)                                        
  6 Distenfeld, Tyler    9 CVAC                 1:28.88    1:33.30         13  
                  43.94     1:33.30 (49.36)                                        
  7 Oren, David          9 Otters               1:30.58    1:35.69         12  
                  44.03     1:35.69 (51.66)                                        
  8 Hoover, Justin M     9 Hershey              1:39.78    1:38.76         11  
                  46.94     1:38.76 (51.82)                                        
Event 28  Girls 9-10 100 Yard IM
       Div5A: # 1:08.87   2/22/2003 Emily Weaner, WSY-MA                       
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Edwards, Destiny M  10 CVAC                 1:17.52    1:14.81         20  
                  34.16     1:14.81 (40.65)                                        
  2 Raab, Shannon C      9 Hershey              1:18.41    1:15.82         17  
                  35.07     1:15.82 (40.75)                                        
  3 Boyce, Katelyn M    10 NYAC                 1:20.68    1:19.19         16  
                  36.70     1:19.19 (42.49)                                        
  4 Recce, Bella C      10 LPAC                 1:18.57    1:20.80         15  
                  36.37     1:20.80 (44.43)                                        
  5 Bolden, Carolyn N   10 CVAC                 1:22.21    1:23.58         14  
                  38.87     1:23.58 (44.71)                                        
  6 Eichman, Olivia A   10 Hershey                   NT    1:27.21         13  
                  39.54     1:27.21 (47.67)                                        
  7 Day, Grace E        10 Hershey              1:35.01    1:28.68         12  
                  42.04     1:28.68 (46.64)                                        
  8 Beard, Emily         9 Otters               1:30.43    1:31.43         11  
                  42.30     1:31.43 (49.13)                                        
  9 Szobocsan, Liza     10 LPAC                 1:36.23    1:35.24          9  
                  44.91     1:35.24 (50.33)                                        
 10 Myslewicz, Madison  10 CVAC                 1:42.38    1:37.31          7  
                  46.67     1:37.31 (50.64)                                        
 11 Weller, Ally H       9 Hershey              1:40.70    1:38.14          6  
                  44.29     1:38.14 (53.85)                                        
 12 Eyer, Sophie J      10 CVAC                      NT    1:40.31          5  
                  47.23     1:40.31 (53.08)                                        
 13 Bachman, Madelana    9 CVAC                 1:42.10    1:42.95          4  
                  47.00     1:42.95 (55.95)                                        
 14 Spila, Eileen       10 CVAC                 2:04.30    1:47.65          3  
                  52.14     1:47.65 (55.51)                                        
 15 Richards, Kristy R   9 CVAC                 1:45.20    1:50.83          2  
                  51.37     1:50.83 (59.46)                                        
 16 Dawood, Nadiyah     10 CVAC                 2:03.10    1:57.22          1  
                  57.88     1:57.22 (59.34)                                        
 17 Stoneking, Kristi    9 LPAC                 2:05.00    2:03.68        
                  56.89   2:03.68 (1:06.79)                                        
 -- Koons, Sydney R     10 Hershey              1:26.90         DQ        
                  38.86          DQ (48.28)                                        
Event 29  Boys 8 & Under 100 Yard Freestyle Relay
       Div5A: # 1:03.37   2/27/1993 NAVY                                       
    Team                                           Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Lower Paxton Aquatic Club  'A'              1:17.27    1:24.15         40  
     1) Miller, Brady 7                 2) Hancock, Lucas 7               
     3) Keyes, Jake 6                   4) Blacker, Alex 8                
                  45.23     1:24.15 (38.92)                                        
  2 Hershey Aquatic Club  'A'                   1:25.82    1:27.20         34  
     1) Alander, Evan P 8               2) Weller, Jason G 7              
     3) Gao, Matt Z 7                   4) Zimmerman, Grant E 7           
                  43.60     1:27.20 (43.60)                                        
  3 Cumberland Valley Aquatic Club  'A'         1:08.41    1:29.98         32  
     1) Srinivas, Vivek 8               2) Dehoff, Hayden J 7             
     3) Kumar, Akku 8                   4) Whitlock, Trevor 8             
                  46.48     1:29.98 (43.50)                                        
  4 Cumberland Valley Aquatic Club  'B'              NT    1:43.93         30  
     1) Kunche, Nayan 8                 2) McVeagh, Devin B 6             
     3) Long, Thomas S 7                4) Conant, Patrick R 8            
                1:00.83     1:43.93 (43.10)                                        
  5 Lebanon Valley Otters  'A'                  1:10.24    1:55.21         28  
     1) Ward, Aiden 6                   2) Parker, Will 6                 
     3) Krall, Vincent 8                4) Perez, Elias M 6               
                1:04.69     1:55.21 (50.52)                                        
Event 30  Girls 8 & Under 100 Yard Freestyle Relay
       Div5A: # 1:02.25   2/26/1994 LEBY                                       
                         S Fichthorn, H Rapp, A Hoy, K Jones               
    Team                                           Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Cumberland Valley Aquatic Club  'A'         1:00.61    1:11.35         40  
     1) Lyesnykova, Alina V 8           2) Chang, Lauren 7                
     3) Mason, Ashlyn N 8               4) Runk, Rachel A 8               
                  34.25     1:11.35 (37.10)                                        
  2 Lebanon Valley Otters  'A'                  1:12.59    1:19.56         34  
     1) Myers, Jocelyn 8                2) Moyer, Delaney 8               
     3) Hilty, Stefanie A 6             4) Craig, Grace 8                 
                  41.87     1:19.56 (37.69)                                        
  3 Cumberland Valley Aquatic Club  'B'              NT    1:19.70         32  
     1) Mattingly, Ami L 8              2) Carbaugh, Ellie 8              
     3) O'Donnell, Reily M 8            4) Staretz, Presley E 7           
                  39.45     1:19.70 (40.25)                                        
  4 Lower Paxton Aquatic Club  'A'              1:13.53    1:24.21         30  
     1) Parody, Olivia 7                2) Zimmerman, Hannah 8            
     3) Ring, Madelyn 7                 4) Recce, Maddalena 8             
                  41.43     1:24.21 (42.78)                                        
  5 Northern York Aquatic Club  'A'             1:24.11    1:27.33         28  
     1) So, Alicia G 5                  2) Engle, Allie 7                 
     3) Morris, Olivia L 7              4) Fickett, Makennah J 7          
                  58.61     1:27.33 (28.72)                                        
  6 Hershey Aquatic Club  'A'                   1:31.62    1:28.86         26  
     1) Dinello, Taryn M 8              2) Day, Eva J 8                   
     3) Zachary, Elizabeth G 8          4) Surfus, Jordyn M 7             
                  44.81     1:28.86 (44.05)                                        
  7 Cumberland Valley Aquatic Club  'C'              NT    1:35.71         24  
     1) Engel, Sarah C 8                2) Smith, Ava E 6                 
     3) Barone, Kamryn R 6              4) Bowers, Anna 8                 
                  51.38     1:35.71 (44.33)                                        
Event 31  Boys 9-10 200 Yard Freestyle Relay
       Div5A: # 2:00.88      2/1989 CHY                                        
    Team                                           Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Lower Paxton Aquatic Club  'A'              2:04.27    2:06.94         40  
     1) Swist, Brian 10                 2) Miller, Zachary Q 10           
     3) Axtman, John 9                  4) Pitassi, Justin T 10           
                  32.87     1:05.30 (32.43)     1:35.78 (30.48)     2:06.94 (31.16)
  2 Cumberland Valley Aquatic Club  'B'              NT    2:56.85         34  
     1) Quigley, Tyler J 9              2) Stanford, Mason 9              
     3) Metz, Joshua L 9                4) Hutton, Jordan W 10            
                  48.71     1:31.53 (42.82)     2:14.09 (42.56)     2:56.85 (42.76)
 -- Cumberland Valley Aquatic Club  'A'         2:05.98         DQ        
      Early take-off swimmer #2
     1) Pyle, Logan J 10                2) Distenfeld, Tyler J 9          
     3) Shanmuganathan, Shaswath R 9    4) Clarke, Alex 10                
                  35.31     1:12.89 (37.58)     1:51.00 (38.11)          DQ (33.66)
Event 32  Girls 9-10 200 Yard Freestyle Relay
       Div5A: # 1:57.62   2/18/1995 WAY                                        
    Team                                           Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Hershey Aquatic Club  'A'                   2:16.60    2:13.96         40  
     1) Koons, Sydney R 10              2) Kratz, Breanna F 10            
     3) Eichman, Olivia A 10            4) Carrasco, Carly C 10           
                  32.61     1:08.08 (35.47)     1:41.57 (33.49)     2:13.96 (32.39)
  2 Lower Paxton Aquatic Club  'A'              2:22.10    2:24.19         34  
     1) Fortney, Alexa 10               2) Wylam, Emma 9                  
     3) Matson, Rylie 10                4) Recce, Bella C 10              
                  37.50     1:14.52 (37.02)     1:51.18 (36.66)     2:24.19 (33.01)
  3 Northern York Aquatic Club  'A'             2:24.11    2:31.25         32  
     1) Thornton, Kennedy J 9           2) Yoon, Dahna 10                 
     3) Tutich, Allie S 9               4) Boyce, Katelyn M 10            
                  36.44     1:17.34 (40.90)     2:00.07 (42.73)     2:31.25 (31.18)
  4 Cumberland Valley Aquatic Club  'A'         2:04.80    2:32.05         30  
     1) Bachman, Madelana 9             2) Eyer, Sophie J 10              
     3) Myslewicz, Madison A 10         4) Ake, Abigail M 10              
                  40.08     1:17.34 (37.26)     1:56.47 (39.13)     2:32.05 (35.58)
  5 Lebanon Valley Otters  'A'                  2:32.78    2:53.93         28  
     1) Beard, Emily 9                  2) Parker, Claudia 9              
     3) Wildonger, Racheal 9            4) Wildonger, Amanda 9            
                  39.60     1:21.48 (41.88)   2:53.98 (1:32.50)         2:53.93 ( )
  6 Lower Paxton Aquatic Club  'B'              2:42.89    2:57.41         26  
     1) Popp, Kayla 9                   2) Stoneking, Kristi 9            
     3) Logan, Hannah 9                 4) Lilly, Rachel 9                
                  41.80     1:32.89 (51.09)     2:14.53 (41.64)     2:57.41 (42.88)
 -- Cumberland Valley Aquatic Club  'B'              NT         DQ        
      Early take-off swimmer #3
     1) White, Alica L 9                2) Brent, Rachel E 9              
     3) Spila, Eileen 10                4) Whitlock, Karlee 10            
                  39.29     1:24.72 (45.43)     2:06.14 (41.42)          DQ (15.82)
Event 33  Boys 11 & Over 200 Yard Freestyle
       Div5A: # 1:43.62   2/20/1999 Matt Haupt CYAA, CYAA                      
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Jenkins, Jacob L    16 NYAC                 1:54.31    1:53.95         20  
                  25.58       53.94 (28.36)     1:23.31 (29.37)     1:53.95 (30.64)
  2 Wendt, Corey J      16 NYAC                 2:00.73    1:58.78         17  
                  26.39       56.02 (29.63)     1:27.28 (31.26)     1:58.78 (31.50)
  3 Auriemma, Brett M   17 NYAC                 2:02.64    2:06.82         16  
                  28.94     1:01.82 (32.88)     1:35.36 (33.54)     2:06.82 (31.46)
  4 Compton, Riley D    13 Hershey                   NT    2:30.06         15  
                  32.94     1:11.41 (38.47)     1:51.43 (40.02)     2:30.06 (38.63)
Event 34  Girls 11 & Over 200 Yard Freestyle
       Div5A: # 1:55.01   2/22/2003 Tricia Weaner, WSY-MA                      
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Luft, Rebecca E     13 NYAC                 1:59.85    1:58.08         20  
                  27.27       57.65 (30.38)     1:28.00 (30.35)     1:58.08 (30.08)
  2 Moffitt, Anastasia  14 Otters               2:08.00    2:04.89         17  
                  29.09     1:01.06 (31.97)     1:33.63 (32.57)     2:04.89 (31.26)
  3 Schwartz, Hannah B  16 Hershey              2:13.59    2:08.11         16  
                  29.57     1:02.00 (32.43)     1:35.09 (33.09)     2:08.11 (33.02)
  4 Croxall, Emily S    13 Hershey              2:17.21    2:08.58         15  
                  30.09     1:03.57 (33.48)     1:36.44 (32.87)     2:08.58 (32.14)
  5 Robertson, Bailey   13 Hershey              2:15.67    2:10.66         14  
                  29.55     1:02.77 (33.22)     1:36.86 (34.09)     2:10.66 (33.80)
  6 Luttrell, Kiersten  13 Hershey                   NT    2:11.14         13  
                  29.86     1:02.61 (32.75)     1:36.82 (34.21)     2:11.14 (34.32)
  7 Plevinsky, Brooke   17 LPAC                 2:13.65    2:13.01         12  
                  30.30     1:03.94 (33.64)     1:39.31 (35.37)     2:13.01 (33.70)
  8 Rhoads, Rylie C     14 Hershey                   NT    2:13.34         11  
                  30.91     1:04.70 (33.79)     1:39.06 (34.36)     2:13.34 (34.28)
  9 Furlong, Heather L  14 CVAC                 2:14.77    2:13.83          9  
                  30.35     1:04.17 (33.82)     1:39.05 (34.88)     2:13.83 (34.78)
 10 Dempsey, Courtney   16 LPAC                 2:18.56    2:15.97          7  
                  31.33     1:05.93 (34.60)     1:41.14 (35.21)     2:15.97 (34.83)
 11 Fair, Rebecca       17 Otters               2:19.61    2:21.04          6  
                  31.91     1:07.43 (35.52)     1:44.47 (37.04)     2:21.04 (36.57)
 12 Molnar, J. Paige    14 LPAC                 2:22.74    2:21.19          5  
                  32.23     1:07.55 (35.32)     1:44.67 (37.12)     2:21.19 (36.52)
 13 Spicer, Sara B      16 Hershey                   NT    2:24.79          4  
                  33.22     1:10.31 (37.09)     1:47.85 (37.54)     2:24.79 (36.94)
 14 Maloy, Taryn E      11 Hershey                   NT    2:27.65          3  
                  33.51     1:11.49 (37.98)     1:50.31 (38.82)     2:27.65 (37.34)
 15 Workman, Abigail L  11 CVAC                 2:40.16    2:32.37          2  
                  32.86     1:10.80 (37.94)     1:52.10 (41.30)     2:32.37 (40.27)
Event 35  Boys 11-12 200 Yard Medley Relay
       Div5A: # 1:54.52   2/19/2005 WSY Swimming                               
                         S Gasparini, A Hamilton, B Gebhart, C Brenneman   
    Team                                           Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Lower Paxton Aquatic Club  'A'              2:02.81    1:59.51         40  
     1) Walter, Christopher n 12        2) Logan, Daniel C 12             
     3) Fry, Jace D 12                  4) Mata, Jonathan T 12            
                  30.38     1:03.87 (33.49)     1:33.54 (29.67)     1:59.51 (25.97)
  2 Hershey Aquatic Club  'A'                   2:29.01    2:22.25         34  
     1) Fackler, Charlie 11             2) Zhuang, John Z 11              
     3) Zachary, Kevin A 12             4) Thomas, Ethan D 11             
                  37.26     1:14.04 (36.78)     1:46.85 (32.81)     2:22.25 (35.40)
 -- Lebanon Valley Otters  'A'                  2:36.99         DQ        
      Stroke Infraction swimmer #1: Not on back off wall - back
     1) Richard, Zachary 11             2) Enigk, Robby 11                
     3) Wildonger, Joshua 12            4) Nguyen, David 12               
                  43.93     1:24.94 (41.01)     1:58.17 (33.23)          DQ (34.90)
Event 36  Girls 11-12 200 Yard Medley Relay
       Div5A: # 1:58.65   2/19/2005 WSY Swimming                               
                         S Carberry, S Beamer, E Weaner, C Loht            
    Team                                           Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Hershey Aquatic Club  'A'                   2:04.70    2:03.32         40  
     1) Nakano, Tomomi 12               2) Dinello, Tess J 12             
     3) Rippon, Caylene 12              4) Surfus, Taylor M 12            
                  30.48     1:08.06 (37.58)     1:36.28 (28.22)     2:03.32 (27.04)
  2 Lebanon Valley Otters  'A'                  2:10.61    2:07.74         34  
     1) Kisthardt, Samantha 12          2) Peters, Emily 12               
     3) St Clair, Samantha K 12         4) Hollenbach, Kaylee 12          
                  34.83     1:10.97 (36.14)     1:42.14 (31.17)     2:07.74 (25.60)
  3 Hershey Aquatic Club  'B'                   2:16.63    2:11.59         32  
     1) Fackler, Katie 11               2) Cramer, Myla A 11              
     3) Tafuto, Sally E 11              4) Epler, Lauren N 11             
                  32.85     1:11.44 (38.59)     1:42.61 (31.17)     2:11.59 (28.98)
  4 Northern York Aquatic Club  'A'             2:17.11    2:15.44         30  
     1) MacDougall, Larissa M 12        2) Eby, Rachel M 12               
     3) Wineka, Maggie P 11             4) Reed, Alison L 12              
                  32.21     1:09.89 (37.68)     1:45.32 (35.43)     2:15.44 (30.12)
  5 Cumberland Valley Aquatic Club  'A'         2:03.08    2:15.72         28  
     1) Workman, Abigail L 11           2) Maher, Shannan N 11            
     3) Essis, Natalie R 12             4) Sekerak, Cassandra R 12        
                  36.74     1:13.04 (36.30)     1:48.93 (35.89)     2:15.72 (26.79)
  6 Lebanon Valley Otters  'B'                  2:36.56    2:39.93         26  
     1) Myers, Joannah 11               2) Sanchez, Paulie 12             
     3) Connelly, Cassie 11             4) Fair, Lydia 11                 
                  37.41     1:17.71 (40.30)     2:02.72 (45.01)     2:39.93 (37.21)
 -- Lower Paxton Aquatic Club  'A'              2:15.82         DQ        
      Early take-off swimmer #3
     1) Arnold, Ava C 12                2) Swist, Emily 12                
     3) Fortney, Autumn-Rose 12         4) Daubenspeck, Megan 12          
                  34.45     1:12.76 (38.31)     1:40.41 (27.65)          DQ (29.93)
Event 37  Boys 13-14 200 Yard Medley Relay
       Div5A: # 1:46.24   2/16/2008 Hershey Aquatic Club, Hershey              
                         T Maurer, K Ruddle, P Mancuso, J Young            
    Team                                           Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Lower Paxton Aquatic Club  'A'              1:51.45    1:58.05         40  
     1) Bloom, Nicholas P 13            2) Gheradini, Andrew 13           
     3) Mellinger, Marco 14             4) Daubenspeck, Brandon 14        
                  31.71     1:05.76 (34.05)     1:32.62 (26.86)     1:58.05 (25.43)
 -- Cumberland Valley Aquatic Club  'A'         1:48.52         DQ        
      Early take-off swimmer #3
     1) Wolf, Kaelin M 13               2) Kumar, Kush 13                 
     3) Geister, Ian M 13               4) Pologruto, Victor J 13         
                  31.90     1:08.51 (36.61)     1:37.18 (28.67)          DQ (31.97)
Event 38  Girls 13-14 200 Yard Medley Relay
       Div5A: # 1:53.90   2/19/2005 WSY Swimming                               
                         S KINSEY, K Talwar, L McCleaf, A Zelenky          
    Team                                           Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Northern York Aquatic Club  'A'             2:02.11    1:58.98         40  
     1) Jenkins, Emily E 14             2) Strine, Jennifer A 14          
     3) Luft, Rebecca E 13              4) Weeden, Caitlynn R 13          
                  30.58     1:06.29 (35.71)     1:32.56 (26.27)     1:58.98 (26.42)
  2 Lower Paxton Aquatic Club  'A'              2:01.91    2:00.43         34  
     1) Walter, Bethany 14              2) Burkholder, Alexis T 13        
     3) Rentovich, Tirza A 14           4) Leisher, Ashley J 13           
                  31.03     1:05.29 (34.26)     1:34.20 (28.91)     2:00.43 (26.23)
  3 Hershey Aquatic Club  'A'                   2:05.69    2:01.31         32  
     1) Stutzman, Bethany E 13          2) Hwang, Grace W 14              
     3) Skelly, Jocelyn A 14            4) Croxall, Emily S 13            
                  31.33     1:04.45 (33.12)     1:34.10 (29.65)     2:01.31 (27.21)
  4 Cumberland Valley Aquatic Club  'A'         1:58.54    2:33.80         30  
     1) Seitz, Maria 13                 2) Treaster, Kaitlyn A 14         
     3) Clark, Moriah S 13              4) Weaver, Lindsay N 14           
                  39.60     1:25.07 (45.47)     1:57.21 (32.14)     2:33.80 (36.59)
Event 39  Boys 15 & Over 200 Yard Medley Relay
       Div5A: # 1:40.86   2/27/1993 HESY                                       
    Team                                           Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Lebanon Valley Otters  'A'                  1:52.29    1:49.64         40  
     1) Gehenio, Ethan 15               2) Cassel, Austin 15              
     3) Kaylor, Shane 16                4) Jones, Ben 17                  
                  25.73       58.71 (32.98)     1:25.78 (27.07)     1:49.64 (23.86)
Event 40  Girls 15 & Over 200 Yard Medley Relay
       Div5A: # 1:52.16   2/19/2000 EPAC                                       
                         C Barner, S Kruper, R Harm, A Starsinic           
    Team                                           Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Lebanon Valley Otters  'A'                  2:00.07    2:02.56         40  
     1) Fox, Hannah 17                  2) May, Allyna 15                 
     3) Wingert, Katie 15               4) Peachey, Krista 15             
                  31.76     1:06.43 (34.67)     1:35.08 (28.65)     2:02.56 (27.48)
  2 Hershey Aquatic Club  'A'                   2:11.76    2:06.78         34  
     1) Nasta, Hazel 16                 2) Gensemer, Sara E 15            
     3) Schwartz, Hannah B 16           4) Spicer, Sara B 16              
                  32.34     1:06.72 (34.38)     1:35.62 (28.90)     2:06.78 (31.16)
Event 41  Boys 11-12 50 Yard Freestyle
       Div5A: # 24.70   2/17/2007 Kevin Shivers, CHY                           
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Deckman, Jacob N    12 CVAC                   24.03      23.46#        20  
  2 Mata, Jonathan T    12 LPAC                   26.05      26.18         17  
  3 Moffitt, Matthew J  12 Otters                 27.05      27.23         16  
  4 Young, Jason K      12 Hershey                28.65      27.88         15  
  5 Guo, Jason          12 Hershey                28.26      28.49         14  
  6 Dellinger, Colton   12 Otters                 30.47      29.71         13  
  7 Reed, Collin        12 LPAC                   30.12      29.86         12  
  8 Maxwell, Brandon D  11 NYAC                   30.76      31.14         11  
  9 Richard, Zachary    11 Otters                 32.91      32.69          9  
 10 Fackler, Charlie    11 Hershey                35.21      32.90          7  
 11 Liu, Brian          11 LPAC                   32.61      33.52          6  
 12 Thomas, Ethan D     11 Hershey                35.58      33.87          5  
 13 Nguyen, David       12 Otters                 34.63      33.95          4  
Event 42  Girls 11-12 50 Yard Freestyle
       Div5A: # 25.57   2/22/1997 Julie Keefer HAC, HAC                        
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Hollenbach, Kaylee  12 Otters                 26.21      25.73         20  
  2 Nakano, Tomomi      12 Hershey                27.21      26.65         17  
  3 Sekerak, Cassandra  12 CVAC                   27.36      27.32         16  
  4 Epler, Lauren N     11 Hershey                30.83      29.48         15  
  5 McCloskey, Grace M  11 Hershey                31.49      29.98         14  
  6 Wineka, Maggie P    11 NYAC                   30.87      30.26         13  
  7 Snavely, Sarah E    12 Hershey                30.65      30.50         12  
  8 Reed, Alison L      12 NYAC                   30.49      30.92         11  
  9 Martin, Lauren M    11 LPAC                   32.59      32.27          9  
 10 Daniels, Haley P    11 Hershey                   NT      32.29          7  
 11 Parody, Lauren      11 LPAC                   31.87      32.42          6  
 12 Long, Lauren R      12 CVAC                   33.20      32.62          5  
 13 Essis, Natalie R    12 CVAC                   32.93      32.85          4  
 14 Haley, Sarah R      11 NYAC                   32.57      33.12          3  
 15 Ogurcak, Lauren N   11 NYAC                   33.25      34.29          2  
 16 Stoneking, Alissa   12 LPAC                   35.18      34.36          1  
 17 Keyes, Brittany     12 LPAC                   34.40      34.54        
 18 Burkhart, Sydney    11 CVAC                   36.63      34.63        
 19 Daniels, Brooke N   11 Hershey                33.68      34.87        
 20 Myers, Joannah      11 Otters                 34.18      35.11        
 21 Starliper, Morgan   11 NYAC                   34.59      36.21        
 22 Anthony, Kaitlyn S  12 CVAC                   37.83      36.38        
 23 Weaver, Emily E     12 NYAC                   37.56      37.16        
 24 Marshall, Rayna     12 LPAC                   37.89      37.71        
 25 Hartman, Alexis     12 Otters                 39.62      38.00        
 26 Lilly, Miranda      11 LPAC                   38.65      38.69        
Event 43  Boys 13-14 50 Yard Freestyle
       Div5A: # 22.51   2/18/2006 Christopher R Stutzman, PAC  -               
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Kushner, Jack M     14 LPAC                   23.38      23.27         20  
  2 Ruth, Zachary M     14 LPAC                   24.46      23.69         17  
  3 Yohe, Joshua S      13 LPAC                   24.79      24.56         16  
  4 Marakowski, Paul J  14 Otters                 23.94      24.79         15  
  5 Handley, Keenan L   14 NYAC                   25.36      25.46         14  
  6 Daubenspeck, Brand  14 LPAC                   26.68      25.50         13  
  7 Kumar, Ganesh       14 LPAC                   27.70      27.06         12  
  8 Marakowski, Matthe  13 Otters                 26.87      27.13         11  
  9 Auriemma, Colin S   14 NYAC                   27.42      27.39          9  
 10 Wheat, Peter J      14 NYAC                   27.61      27.51          7  
 11 Jones, Noah         13 Otters                 28.27      27.64          6  
 12 Nasta, Adam         13 Hershey                30.13      29.17          5  
 13 Ceneviva, Matt R    13 Hershey                30.85      29.82          4  
 14 Landis, Gregory N   13 NYAC                   28.99      30.02          3  
 15 Bair, Jaimeson P    13 Hershey                31.29      30.13          2  
 16 Spencer, Ethan T    13 NYAC                   31.14      30.99          1  
 17 Compton, Riley D    13 Hershey                31.41      31.46        
 17 Pologruto, Victor   13 CVAC                   33.99      31.46        
 19 Morrison, Greg      13 Otters                 34.35      32.01        
Event 44  Girls 13-14 50 Yard Freestyle
       Div5A: # 25.05   2/20/1999 Sirae Riley LEBY, LEBY                       
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Buchanan, Kaley R   13 Hershey                26.91      25.73         20  
  2 Rentovich, Tirza A  14 LPAC                   25.99      26.04         17  
  3 Leisher, Ashley J   13 LPAC                   26.08      26.40         16  
  4 Dempsey, Molly A    14 LPAC                   27.33      27.38         15  
  5 Weeden, Caitlynn R  13 NYAC                   27.53      27.40         14  
  6 Reilly, Sabrina R   14 Hershey                   NT      27.65         13  
  7 Skelly, Jocelyn A   14 Hershey                27.99      27.77         12  
  8 Strine, Jennifer A  14 NYAC                   27.29      27.92         11  
  9 Mowrey, Kate M      13 NYAC                   28.44      28.28          9  
 10 Clark, Moriah S     13 CVAC                   28.23      28.43          7  
 11 Migatulski, Katie   13 NYAC                   30.46      29.00          6  
 12 Furlong, Heather L  14 CVAC                   27.97      29.21          5  
 13 Dempsey, Emily      13 LPAC                   29.18      29.47          4  
 14 Kiessling, Joli G   14 Hershey                31.23      29.80          3  
 15 Gingrich, Libby M   14 NYAC                   29.75      30.13          2  
 16 Fair, Angela        14 Otters                 29.85      30.27          1  
 17 Day, Logan E        14 NYAC                   29.95      30.29        
 18 McInerney, Becky M  13 Hershey                31.29      30.35        
 19 Peachey, Taylor     13 Otters                 31.97      32.20        
 20 Gryboski, Megan     13 Otters                 33.02      33.23        
 21 Treaster, Kaitlyn   14 CVAC                   33.62      34.25        
 22 Weaver, Lindsay N   14 CVAC                   38.01      39.04        
Event 45  Boys 15 & Over 50 Yard Freestyle
       Div5A: # 21.95   2/22/1997 Josh Peters EAC, EAC                         
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Gehenio, Ethan      15 Otters                 22.57      22.82         20  
  2 Skelly, Sebastian   16 Hershey                23.77      23.52         17  
  3 Pompei, Anthony L   15 LPAC                   24.25      24.19         16  
  4 Kaylor, Shane       16 Otters                 24.99      24.52         15  
  5 Ruddle, Trevor G    15 Hershey                25.51      24.94         14  
  6 Jones, Ben          17 Otters                 23.49      25.06         13  
  7 Pityk, Michael      16 Otters                 26.74      26.18         12  
  8 Auriemma, Brett M   17 NYAC                   26.03      26.75         11  
Event 46  Girls 15 & Over 50 Yard Freestyle
       Div5A: # 24.47      2/1986 A Wentzel DAAC, DAAC                         
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Migatulski, Elizab  15 NYAC                   26.34      26.03         20  
  2 Atwood, Julia K     17 NYAC                   26.24      26.15         17  
  3 Miller, Katelyn E   16 NYAC                   26.13      26.25         16  
  4 Dempsey, Courtney   16 LPAC                   27.31      27.06         15  
  5 Miller, Rebecca I   16 NYAC                   27.42      27.37         14  
  6 Plevinsky, Brooke   17 LPAC                   26.58      27.46         13  
  7 Vaughn, Haley R     15 NYAC                   27.13      27.66         12  
  8 Dreibelbis, Amy     15 Otters                 28.00      27.81         11  
  9 Sudbury, Emily L    17 Otters                 27.99      28.99          9  
 10 Sanders, Alyssa D   16 NYAC                   28.34      29.50          7  
Event 47  Boys 11-12 50 Yard Breaststroke
       Div5A: # 31.75   2/19/2000 Brian Kreider LEBY, LEBY                     
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Smith, Crawford M   12 CVAC                   34.46      33.55         20  
  2 Logan, Daniel C     12 LPAC                   34.30      33.71         17  
  3 Hwang, Alan W       12 Hershey                34.67      35.00         16  
  4 Zhuang, John Z      11 Hershey                38.96      37.17         15  
  5 Pliszka, Logan      11 LPAC                   39.68      39.70         14  
  6 Bloom, Christopher  11 LPAC                   40.85      40.39         13  
  7 Wolf, Micah J       11 CVAC                   40.28      42.79         12  
  8 Enigk, Robby        11 Otters                 43.30      43.31         11  
  9 Hain, Cameron       11 Otters                 48.42      51.69          9  
Event 48  Girls 11-12 50 Yard Breaststroke
       Div5A: # 31.93   2/23/2002 Macey Keath LEBY, LEBY                       
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Peters, Emily       12 Otters                 36.54      36.16         20  
  2 Maher, Shannan N    11 CVAC                   36.60      36.35         17  
  3 Eby, Rachel M       12 NYAC                   39.36      37.14         16  
  4 Dinello, Tess J     12 Hershey                37.69      37.91         15  
  5 Swist, Emily        12 LPAC                   38.66      38.14         14  
  6 Cramer, Myla A      11 Hershey                40.12      39.28         13  
  7 Martin, Lauren M    11 LPAC                   40.28      40.30         12  
  8 Keyes, Brittany     12 LPAC                   40.87      40.51         11  
  9 Sanchez, Paulie     12 Otters                 40.63      40.66          9  
 10 Dinello, Hannah     12 LPAC                   42.15      40.80          7  
 11 Posavec, Katie      11 LPAC                   42.17      42.93          6  
 12 Long, Lauren R      12 CVAC                   43.25      43.37          5  
 13 Geyer, Brooke A     11 Hershey                43.40      43.91          4  
 14 Fair, Lydia         11 Otters                 44.20      44.42          3  
 15 Ogurcak, Lauren N   11 NYAC                   43.62      45.22          2  
 16 Daniels, Haley P    11 Hershey                45.68      45.45          1  
 17 Stoneking, Alissa   12 LPAC                   46.84      45.93        
 17 Haley, Sarah R      11 NYAC                   45.65      45.93        
 19 Myers, Joannah      11 Otters                 44.43      46.59        
 20 Connelly, Cassie    11 Otters                 45.60      46.89        
 21 Starliper, Morgan   11 NYAC                   46.83      46.90        
 22 Anthony, Kaitlyn S  12 CVAC                   49.32      47.91        
 23 Hartman, Alexis     12 Otters                 50.77      51.45        
 24 Weaver, Emily E     12 NYAC                   53.98      52.38        
 25 Lilly, Miranda      11 LPAC                   49.89      53.17        
Event 49  Boys 13-14 100 Yard Breaststroke
       Div5A: # 1:03.89      2/1986 D Cornish HESY, HESY                       
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Mellinger, Marco    14 LPAC                 1:08.28    1:07.53         20  
                  31.70     1:07.53 (35.83)                                        
  2 Pompei, Alex J      13 LPAC                 1:11.37    1:09.21         17  
                  31.88     1:09.21 (37.33)                                        
  3 Carroll, Bryce W    14 NYAC                 1:14.09    1:14.43         16  
                  34.49     1:14.43 (39.94)                                        
  4 Gheradini, Andrew   13 LPAC                 1:16.21    1:15.34         15  
                  35.71     1:15.34 (39.63)                                        
  5 Geyer, Grant D      13 Hershey              1:18.81    1:18.13         14  
                  36.99     1:18.13 (41.14)                                        
  6 Marakowski, Paul J  14 Otters               1:14.92    1:18.60         13  
                  36.47     1:18.60 (42.13)                                        
  7 Kumar, Ganesh       14 LPAC                 1:19.76    1:18.73         12  
                  37.80     1:18.73 (40.93)                                        
  8 Jones, Noah         13 Otters               1:20.41    1:20.47         11  
                  37.76     1:20.47 (42.71)                                        
  9 Kumar, Kush         13 CVAC                 1:21.79    1:20.84          9  
                  38.13     1:20.84 (42.71)                                        
 10 Auriemma, Colin S   14 NYAC                 1:22.00    1:21.00          7  
                  37.68     1:21.00 (43.32)                                        
 11 Ceneviva, Matt R    13 Hershey              1:28.05    1:24.48          6  
                  40.04     1:24.48 (44.44)                                        
 12 Spencer, Ethan T    13 NYAC                 1:29.16    1:26.56          5  
                  40.22     1:26.56 (46.34)                                        
 13 Pologruto, Victor   13 CVAC                 1:33.05    1:35.24          4  
                  45.18     1:35.24 (50.06)                                        
 -- Bair, Sam J         14 Hershey              1:18.04         DQ        
      Head under for 2 or more strokes
                  35.18          DQ (41.13)                                        
Event 50  Girls 13-14 100 Yard Breaststroke
       Div5A: # 1:08.30   2/17/2001 Erin Kephart HAC, HAC                      
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Barone, Oriana      13 Hershey              1:12.12    1:08.29#        20  
                  31.62     1:08.29 (36.67)                                        
  2 Wickenheiser, Emil  13 CVAC                 1:13.33    1:12.96         17  
                  34.74     1:12.96 (38.22)                                        
  3 Hwang, Grace W      14 Hershey              1:14.08    1:13.17         16  
                  34.71     1:13.17 (38.46)                                        
  4 Jenkins, Emily E    14 NYAC                 1:16.56    1:14.26         15  
                  35.15     1:14.26 (39.11)                                        
  5 Burkholder, Alexis  13 LPAC                 1:15.47    1:15.51         14  
                  35.79     1:15.51 (39.72)                                        
  6 Licata, Gabby J     14 LPAC                 1:17.26    1:15.91         13  
                  36.41     1:15.91 (39.50)                                        
  7 Mowrey, Kate M      13 NYAC                 1:21.98    1:20.35         12  
                  37.92     1:20.35 (42.43)                                        
  8 Fair, Angela        14 Otters               1:23.94    1:24.99         11  
                  39.94     1:24.99 (45.05)                                        
  9 Echard, Abigail     13 LPAC                 1:25.27    1:26.16          9  
                  41.30     1:26.16 (44.86)                                        
 10 Gryboski, Megan     13 Otters               1:28.93    1:29.32          7  
                  40.71     1:29.32 (48.61)                                        
 11 St. Clair, Elizabe  14 Otters               1:32.24    1:31.94          6  
                  44.77     1:31.94 (47.17)                                        
 12 Carrasco, Hannah N  13 Hershey              1:38.40    1:34.98          5  
                  44.33     1:34.98 (50.65)                                        
Event 51  Boys 15 & Over 100 Yard Breaststroke
       Div5A: # 57.20   2/26/1994 Jeremy Linn HESY, HESY                       
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Skelly, Sebastian   16 Hershey              1:05.12    1:05.47         20  
                  31.40     1:05.47 (34.07)                                        
  2 McGuire, Luke       17 LPAC                 1:05.73    1:06.87         17  
                  31.15     1:06.87 (35.72)                                        
  3 Hollenbeak, Asher   15 Hershey              1:09.59    1:08.14         16  
                  32.14     1:08.14 (36.00)                                        
  4 Jenkins, Jacob L    16 NYAC                 1:09.49    1:09.75         15  
                  32.93     1:09.75 (36.82)                                        
  5 Yang, Gary W        15 Hershey              1:12.42    1:11.29         14  
                  32.68     1:11.29 (38.61)                                        
  6 Kaylor, Shane       16 Otters               1:17.92    1:15.61         13  
                  35.76     1:15.61 (39.85)                                        
Event 52  Girls 15 & Over 100 Yard Breaststroke
       Div5A: # 1:07.53   2/22/1997 Samantha Smith HAC, HAC                    
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 May, Allyna         15 Otters               1:13.52    1:14.43         20  
                  34.98     1:14.43 (39.45)                                        
  2 Migatulski, Elizab  15 NYAC                 1:16.27    1:14.71         17  
                  35.59     1:14.71 (39.12)                                        
  3 Rudy, Marybeth      16 Otters               1:16.09    1:16.37         16  
                  35.71     1:16.37 (40.66)                                        
  4 Gensemer, Sara E    15 Hershey              1:18.58    1:17.38         15  
                  36.67     1:17.38 (40.71)                                        
  5 Miller, Katelyn E   16 NYAC                 1:17.30    1:17.83         14  
                  36.91     1:17.83 (40.92)                                        
  6 Schwartz, Hannah B  16 Hershey              1:18.28    1:18.22         13  
                  37.56     1:18.22 (40.66)                                        
  7 Ezell, Paige E      16 NYAC                 1:18.52    1:23.02         12  
                  38.34     1:23.02 (44.68)                                        
  8 Rudy, Danae         16 Otters               1:32.45    1:31.10         11  
                  42.57     1:31.10 (48.53)                                        
Event 53  Boys 11-12 100 Yard Freestyle
       Div5A: # 51.85   2/19/2005 Steven M Gasparini, WSY Swimming             
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Mata, Jonathan T    12 LPAC                   58.39      57.99         20  
                  28.33       57.99 (29.66)                                        
  2 Walter, Christophe  12 LPAC                   58.50      58.68         17  
                  28.97       58.68 (29.71)                                        
  3 Smith, Crawford M   12 CVAC                 1:02.60    1:01.19         16  
                  29.64     1:01.19 (31.55)                                        
  4 Guo, Jason          12 Hershey              1:02.27    1:01.80         15  
                  29.87     1:01.80 (31.93)                                        
  5 Young, Jason K      12 Hershey              1:05.57    1:02.77         14  
                  29.95     1:02.77 (32.82)                                        
  6 Dellinger, Colton   12 Otters               1:11.68    1:06.99         13  
                  31.84     1:06.99 (35.15)                                        
  7 Reed, Collin        12 LPAC                 1:06.68    1:07.45         12  
                  33.39     1:07.45 (34.06)                                        
  8 Wildonger, Joshua   12 Otters               1:08.61    1:08.41         11  
                  31.87     1:08.41 (36.54)                                        
  9 Maxwell, Brandon D  11 NYAC                 1:07.95    1:09.23          9  
                  32.63     1:09.23 (36.60)                                        
 10 Hain, Cameron       11 Otters               1:17.14    1:19.92          7  
                  36.11     1:19.92 (43.81)                                        
Event 54  Girls 11-12 100 Yard Freestyle
       Div5A: # 55.20   2/16/2008 Madeline J Hoch, WSY Swimming                
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Hollenbach, Kaylee  12 Otters                 58.63      57.20         20  
                  27.98       57.20 (29.22)                                        
  2 Surfus, Taylor M    12 Hershey              1:01.51    1:00.04         17  
                  29.40     1:00.04 (30.64)                                        
  3 Sekerak, Cassandra  12 CVAC                 1:00.98    1:01.76         16  
                  28.73     1:01.76 (33.03)                                        
  4 Eby, Rachel M       12 NYAC                 1:04.23    1:02.13         15  
                  30.14     1:02.13 (31.99)                                        
  5 MacDougall, Lariss  12 NYAC                 1:02.44    1:03.17         14  
                  30.32     1:03.17 (32.85)                                        
  6 Yoder, Ally N       11 LPAC                 1:06.32    1:05.44         13  
                  31.69     1:05.44 (33.75)                                        
  7 Maloy, Taryn E      11 Hershey              1:09.89    1:06.74         12  
                  31.89     1:06.74 (34.85)                                        
  8 Meade, Cordelya     12 LPAC                 1:07.00    1:07.69         11  
                  31.75     1:07.69 (35.94)                                        
  9 Maher, Shannan N    11 CVAC                 1:07.68    1:08.75          9  
                  31.61     1:08.75 (37.14)                                        
 10 Martin, Lauren M    11 LPAC                 1:12.46    1:12.09          7  
                  35.28     1:12.09 (36.81)                                        
 11 Kisthardt, Samanth  12 Otters               1:12.83    1:13.19          6  
                  34.59     1:13.19 (38.60)                                        
 12 Posavec, Katie      11 LPAC                 1:16.47    1:14.98          5  
                  35.24     1:14.98 (39.74)                                        
 13 Parody, Lauren      11 LPAC                 1:13.48    1:16.69          4  
                  37.25     1:16.69 (39.44)                                        
 14 Geyer, Brooke A     11 Hershey              1:20.11    1:20.70          3  
                  38.74     1:20.70 (41.96)                                        
 15 Starliper, Morgan   11 NYAC                 1:21.83    1:22.35          2  
                  38.43     1:22.35 (43.92)                                        
 16 Marshall, Rayna     12 LPAC                 1:26.45    1:24.22          1  
                  39.87     1:24.22 (44.35)                                        
Event 55  Boys 13-14 100 Yard Freestyle
       Div5A: # 50.22   2/18/2006 Christopher R Stutzman, PAC  -               
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Kushner, Jack M     14 LPAC                   50.61      50.26         20  
                  23.93       50.26 (26.33)                                        
  2 Handley, Keenan L   14 NYAC                   54.79      54.85         17  
                  26.51       54.85 (28.34)                                        
  3 Fox, Adam           13 Otters                 56.69      56.36         16  
                  27.47       56.36 (28.89)                                        
  4 Bair, Sam J         14 Hershey              1:00.37      57.48         15  
                  27.51       57.48 (29.97)                                        
  5 Wheat, Peter J      14 NYAC                 1:00.53    1:00.63         14  
                  29.29     1:00.63 (31.34)                                        
  6 Gheradini, Andrew   13 LPAC                 1:04.87    1:01.77         13  
                  29.86     1:01.77 (31.91)                                        
  7 Marakowski, Matthe  13 Otters               1:02.02    1:03.62         12  
                  29.78     1:03.62 (33.84)                                        
  8 Landis, Gregory N   13 NYAC                 1:05.87    1:04.25         11  
                  30.65     1:04.25 (33.60)                                        
  9 Jones, Noah         13 Otters               1:08.67    1:04.31          9  
                  31.25     1:04.31 (33.06)                                        
 10 Auriemma, Colin S   14 NYAC                 1:03.19    1:05.82          7  
                  31.69     1:05.82 (34.13)                                        
 11 Geyer, Grant D      13 Hershey              1:10.98    1:06.09          6  
                  31.60     1:06.09 (34.49)                                        
 12 Kumar, Kush         13 CVAC                 1:08.01    1:08.96          5  
                  32.79     1:08.96 (36.17)                                        
 13 Bair, Jaimeson P    13 Hershey              1:11.62    1:10.13          4  
                  33.38     1:10.13 (36.75)                                        
 14 Spencer, Ethan T    13 NYAC                 1:13.97    1:13.97          3  
                  35.47     1:13.97 (38.50)                                        
 -- Geister, Ian M      13 CVAC                 1:03.79         DQ        
      No touch on turn
                1:05.20          DQ (16.66)                                        
Event 56  Girls 13-14 100 Yard Freestyle
       Div5A: # 54.04      2/1986 S Staver LEBY, LEBY                          
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Moffitt, Anastasia  14 Otters                 58.15      57.75         20  
                  28.26       57.75 (29.49)                                        
  2 Leisher, Ashley J   13 LPAC                   57.58      58.12         17  
                  27.92       58.12 (30.20)                                        
  3 Croxall, Emily S    13 Hershey              1:01.71      58.93         16  
                  28.29       58.93 (30.64)                                        
  4 Stutzman, Bethany   13 Hershey              1:00.02      59.61         15  
                  28.91       59.61 (30.70)                                        
  5 Weeden, Caitlynn R  13 NYAC                 1:00.31      59.81         14  
                  29.18       59.81 (30.63)                                        
  6 Walter, Bethany     14 LPAC                   59.89      59.93         13  
                  28.93       59.93 (31.00)                                        
  7 Strine, Jennifer A  14 NYAC                   59.07    1:00.20         12  
                  28.45     1:00.20 (31.75)                                        
  8 Mowrey, Kate M      13 NYAC                 1:00.92    1:00.63         11  
                  29.93     1:00.63 (30.70)                                        
  9 Dempsey, Molly A    14 LPAC                 1:00.82    1:00.65          9  
                  29.21     1:00.65 (31.44)                                        
 10 Reilly, Sabrina R   14 Hershey              1:05.10    1:00.85          7  
                  29.21     1:00.85 (31.64)                                        
 11 Licata, Gabby J     14 LPAC                 1:02.24    1:01.53          6  
                  29.66     1:01.53 (31.87)                                        
 12 Luttrell, Kiersten  13 Hershey              1:03.30    1:01.69          5  
                  29.44     1:01.69 (32.25)                                        
 13 Skelly, Jocelyn A   14 Hershey              1:02.80    1:02.09          4  
                  29.15     1:02.09 (32.94)                                        
 14 Rhoads, Rylie C     14 Hershey              1:03.71    1:02.32          3  
                  30.53     1:02.32 (31.79)                                        
 15 Hess, Kate L        13 Hershey              1:03.73    1:02.40          2  
                  30.28     1:02.40 (32.12)                                        
 16 Migatulski, Katie   13 NYAC                 1:08.62    1:05.20          1  
                  30.54     1:05.20 (34.66)                                        
 17 Molnar, J. Paige    14 LPAC                 1:06.07    1:05.33        
                  31.05     1:05.33 (34.28)                                        
 18 Gingrich, Libby M   14 NYAC                 1:04.34    1:05.97        
                  31.72     1:05.97 (34.25)                                        
 19 Day, Logan E        14 NYAC                 1:07.87    1:06.42        
                  31.09     1:06.42 (35.33)                                        
 20 Kiessling, Joli G   14 Hershey              1:07.69    1:06.73        
                  32.04     1:06.73 (34.69)                                        
 21 Peachey, Taylor     13 Otters               1:13.17    1:12.98        
                  33.65     1:12.98 (39.33)                                        
 22 Ritchie, Samantha   13 Otters               1:13.41    1:13.50        
                  35.16     1:13.50 (38.34)                                        
 23 St. Clair, Elizabe  14 Otters               1:15.84    1:14.24        
                  35.87     1:14.24 (38.37)                                        
 24 Treaster, Kaitlyn   14 CVAC                 1:18.81    1:17.10        
                  36.10     1:17.10 (41.00)                                        
 25 Echard, Abigail     13 LPAC                 1:18.60    1:17.81        
                  37.46     1:17.81 (40.35)                                        
 26 Weaver, Lindsay N   14 CVAC                 1:26.91    1:27.93        
                  41.20     1:27.93 (46.73)                                        
Event 57  Boys 15 & Over 100 Yard Freestyle
       Div5A: # 48.20   2/20/1999 Adam Webber LEBY, LEBY                       
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Gehenio, Ethan      15 Otters                 50.56      50.37         20  
                  23.89       50.37 (26.48)                                        
  2 Naccarato, Montana  16 LPAC                   53.06      52.47         17  
                  25.23       52.47 (27.24)                                        
  3 Pompei, Anthony L   15 LPAC                   53.85      54.02         16  
                  25.82       54.02 (28.20)                                        
  4 Wendt, Corey J      16 NYAC                   56.38      54.19         15  
                  26.10       54.19 (28.09)                                        
  5 Leighton, John P    15 CVAC                   58.42      54.60         14  
                  25.49       54.60 (29.11)                                        
  6 Michael, Thomas J   18 Hershey                55.83      55.36         13  
                  26.44       55.36 (28.92)                                        
  7 Cassel, Austin      15 Otters                 57.60      55.93         12  
                  26.23       55.93 (29.70)                                        
  8 Yang, Gary W        15 Hershey                57.34      58.76         11  
                  28.15       58.76 (30.61)                                        
  9 Pityk, Michael      16 Otters                 59.89      59.10          9  
                  27.76       59.10 (31.34)                                        
 10 Auriemma, Brett M   17 NYAC                   57.94      59.25          7  
                  28.61       59.25 (30.64)                                        
Event 58  Girls 15 & Over 100 Yard Freestyle
       Div5A: # 53.89      2/1986 A Wentzel DAAC, DAAC                         
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Migatulski, Elizab  15 NYAC                   57.23      56.77         20  
                  26.98       56.77 (29.79)                                        
  2 Miller, Katelyn E   16 NYAC                   56.60      57.26         17  
                  27.18       57.26 (30.08)                                        
  3 Nasta, Hazel        16 Hershey              1:00.65      58.48         16  
                  27.95       58.48 (30.53)                                        
  4 Fox, Hannah         17 Otters                 58.90      59.22         15  
                  28.31       59.22 (30.91)                                        
  5 Atwood, Julia K     17 NYAC                   56.80      59.61         14  
                  28.23       59.61 (31.38)                                        
  6 Vaughn, Haley R     15 NYAC                   59.27    1:01.63         13  
                  29.23     1:01.63 (32.40)                                        
  7 Balint, Danielle    16 LPAC                 1:00.74    1:01.91         12  
                  29.06     1:01.91 (32.85)                                        
  8 Peachey, Krista     15 Otters               1:02.46    1:03.14         11  
                  30.20     1:03.14 (32.94)                                        
  9 Sudbury, Emily L    17 Otters               1:03.17    1:04.76          9  
                  31.15     1:04.76 (33.61)                                        
 10 Ezell, Paige E      16 NYAC                 1:04.27    1:05.77          7  
                  31.04     1:05.77 (34.73)                                        
 11 Mercurio, Patrice   18 LPAC                 1:06.00    1:07.51          6  
                  31.55     1:07.51 (35.96)                                        
 12 Dreibelbis, Amy     15 Otters               1:08.72    1:07.83          5  
                  31.13     1:07.83 (36.70)                                        
 13 Rudy, Danae         16 Otters               1:08.68    1:07.95          4  
                  31.89     1:07.95 (36.06)                                        
Event 59  Boys 11-12 50 Yard Backstroke
       Div5A: # 28.28   2/18/2006 Timmy C Maurer, Hershey                      
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Deckman, Jacob N    12 CVAC                   29.03      27.54#        20  
  2 Walter, Christophe  12 LPAC                   31.26      30.68         17  
  3 Fry, Jace D         12 LPAC                   31.43      31.87         16  
  4 Moffitt, Matthew J  12 Otters                 31.70      31.98         15  
  5 Zachary, Kevin A    12 Hershey                32.80      32.47         14  
  6 Luttrell, Cole M    11 Hershey                34.26      33.84         13  
  7 Blake, Max A        12 LPAC                   34.91      35.63         12  
  8 Maxwell, Brandon D  11 NYAC                   36.45      37.41         11  
  9 Fackler, Charlie    11 Hershey                39.74      38.09          9  
 10 Dellinger, Colton   12 Otters                 38.53      38.43          7  
 11 Bloom, Christopher  11 LPAC                   37.14      39.12          6  
 12 Wolf, Micah J       11 CVAC                   38.07      39.77          5  
 13 Thomas, Ethan D     11 Hershey                43.16      41.77          4  
 14 Hain, Cameron       11 Otters                 45.05      44.78          3  
Event 60  Girls 11-12 50 Yard Backstroke
       Div5A: # 29.09   2/22/1997 Lauren Sarricks HAC, HAC                     
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Nakano, Tomomi      12 Hershey                30.40      30.62         20  
  2 MacDougall, Lariss  12 NYAC                   32.10      32.34         17  
  3 Daubenspeck, Megan  12 LPAC                   33.19      33.01         16  
  4 Fackler, Katie      11 Hershey                33.44      33.14         15  
  5 Arnold, Ava C       12 LPAC                   33.67      34.26         14  
  6 St Clair, Samantha  12 Otters                 33.74      34.27         13  
  7 Tafuto, Sally E     11 Hershey                34.62      34.88         12  
  8 Dinello, Hannah     12 LPAC                   35.42      35.20         11  
  9 Kisthardt, Samanth  12 Otters                 36.12      36.12          9  
 10 McCloskey, Grace M  11 Hershey                36.76      36.81          7  
 11 Cramer, Myla A      11 Hershey                37.67      37.56          6  
 12 Connelly, Cassie    11 Otters                 38.72      38.96          5  
 13 Long, Lauren R      12 CVAC                   38.41      39.11          4  
 14 Posavec, Katie      11 LPAC                   38.43      39.48          3  
 15 Daniels, Brooke N   11 Hershey                41.03      41.70          2  
 16 Weaver, Emily E     12 NYAC                   43.01      42.85          1  
 17 Haley, Sarah R      11 NYAC                   40.48      43.01        
 18 Keyes, Brittany     12 LPAC                   45.25      43.40        
 19 Marshall, Rayna     12 LPAC                   43.09      43.66        
 20 Fair, Lydia         11 Otters                 48.92      47.09        
 21 Hartman, Alexis     12 Otters                 46.64      48.60        
 22 Lilly, Miranda      11 LPAC                   49.99      50.91        
Event 61  Boys 13-14 100 Yard Backstroke
       Div5A: # 54.72   2/16/2008 Timmy C Maurer, Hershey                      
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Ruth, Zachary M     14 LPAC                 1:01.26    1:00.68         20  
                  29.04     1:00.68 (31.64)                                        
  2 Yohe, Joshua S      13 LPAC                 1:03.67    1:02.57         17  
                  30.72     1:02.57 (31.85)                                        
  3 Fox, Adam           13 Otters               1:05.96    1:04.70         16  
                  32.12     1:04.70 (32.58)                                        
  4 Bloom, Nicholas P   13 LPAC                 1:07.37    1:07.32         15  
                  33.06     1:07.32 (34.26)                                        
  5 Wolf, Kaelin M      13 CVAC                 1:10.67    1:09.54         14  
                  34.48     1:09.54 (35.06)                                        
  6 Wheat, Peter J      14 NYAC                 1:17.70    1:10.69         13  
                  34.45     1:10.69 (36.24)                                        
  7 Landis, Gregory N   13 NYAC                 1:12.34    1:12.43         12  
                  34.44     1:12.43 (37.99)                                        
  8 Nasta, Adam         13 Hershey              1:14.28    1:15.56         11  
                  36.61     1:15.56 (38.95)                                        
  9 Morrison, Greg      13 Otters               1:47.49    1:48.14          9  
                  48.82     1:48.14 (59.32)                                        
Event 62  Girls 13-14 100 Yard Backstroke
       Div5A: # 57.12   2/22/2003 Tricia Weaner, WSY-MA                        
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Stutzman, Bethany   13 Hershey              1:06.36    1:05.62         20  
                  32.42     1:05.62 (33.20)                                        
  2 Walter, Bethany     14 LPAC                 1:06.25    1:06.48         17  
                  32.07     1:06.48 (34.41)                                        
  3 Nolan, Emily E      13 Hershey              1:07.44    1:06.52         16  
                  32.45     1:06.52 (34.07)                                        
  4 Duck, Olivia        13 Hershey              1:06.85    1:07.02         15  
                  32.45     1:07.02 (34.57)                                        
  5 Robertson, Bailey   13 Hershey              1:09.52    1:08.18         14  
                  33.59     1:08.18 (34.59)                                        
  6 Burkholder, Alexis  13 LPAC                 1:09.27    1:09.84         13  
  7 Oh, Sarah M         13 Hershey                   NT    1:12.43         12  
                  35.71     1:12.43 (36.72)                                        
  8 Clark, Moriah S     13 CVAC                 1:07.08    1:13.05         11  
                  33.96     1:13.05 (39.09)                                        
  9 Waverka, Grace E    13 Hershey              1:15.78    1:13.91          9  
                  36.60     1:13.91 (37.31)                                        
 10 Molnar, J. Paige    14 LPAC                 1:14.94    1:14.06          7  
                  35.93     1:14.06 (38.13)                                        
 11 Gingrich, Libby M   14 NYAC                 1:13.45    1:14.53          6  
                  36.67     1:14.53 (37.86)                                        
 12 Migatulski, Katie   13 NYAC                      NT    1:14.75          5  
                  36.32     1:14.75 (38.43)                                        
 13 Hess, Kate L        13 Hershey              1:14.66    1:16.81          4  
                  37.48     1:16.81 (39.33)                                        
 14 Ritchie, Samantha   13 Otters               1:21.29    1:23.22          3  
                1:23.33         1:23.22 ( )                                        
 15 Seitz, Maria        13 CVAC                 1:32.07    1:27.30          2  
Event 63  Boys 15 & Over 100 Yard Backstroke
       Div5A: # 55.55   2/26/1994 S Klinefelter HESY, HESY                     
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Leighton, John P    15 CVAC                   58.38      59.41         20  
                  28.61       59.41 (30.80)                                        
  2 Jones, Ben          17 Otters                 59.61    1:02.98         17  
                  29.85     1:02.98 (33.13)                                        
  3 Ruddle, Trevor G    15 Hershey              1:10.06    1:05.53         16  
                  31.29     1:05.53 (34.24)                                        
  4 Pityk, Michael      16 Otters               1:05.63    1:07.13         15  
                  31.41     1:07.13 (35.72)                                        
Event 64  Girls 15 & Over 100 Yard Backstroke
       Div5A: # 59.91   2/20/1999 Cindy Barner EPAC, EPAC                      
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Miller, Rebecca I   16 NYAC                 1:05.59    1:05.66         20  
                  31.72     1:05.66 (33.94)                                        
  2 Balint, Danielle    16 LPAC                 1:09.56    1:10.88         17  
                  34.54     1:10.88 (36.34)                                        
  3 Mercurio, Patrice   18 LPAC                 1:15.64    1:16.08         16  
                  36.89     1:16.08 (39.19)                                        
  4 Rudy, Danae         16 Otters               1:18.95    1:19.37         15  
                  39.02     1:19.37 (40.35)                                        
Event 65  Boys 11-12 50 Yard Butterfly
       Div5A: # 27.16   2/18/2006 David J Nolan, Hershey                       
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Fry, Jace D         12 LPAC                   29.04      28.89         20  
  2 Moffitt, Matthew J  12 Otters                 31.45      31.97         17  
  3 Zhuang, John Z      11 Hershey                34.03      33.10         16  
  4 Zachary, Kevin A    12 Hershey                35.80      33.31         15  
  5 Bloom, Christopher  11 LPAC                   35.94      35.68         14  
  6 Nguyen, David       12 Otters                 37.75      38.03         13  
Event 66  Girls 11-12 50 Yard Butterfly
       Div5A: # 27.37   2/19/2005 Emily P Weaner, WSY Swimming                 
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Rippon, Caylene     12 Hershey                28.69      28.94         20  
  2 Fortney, Autumn-Ro  12 LPAC                   28.24      29.06         17  
  3 St Clair, Samantha  12 Otters                 31.74      31.83         16  
  4 Epler, Lauren N     11 Hershey                35.59      32.85         15  
  5 Arnold, Ava C       12 LPAC                   31.59      33.34         14  
  6 Workman, Abigail L  11 CVAC                   36.12      33.49         13  
  7 Snavely, Sarah E    12 Hershey                34.58      34.23         12  
  8 Daubenspeck, Megan  12 LPAC                   34.71      34.56         11  
  9 Essis, Natalie R    12 CVAC                   36.88      34.88          9  
 10 Wineka, Maggie P    11 NYAC                   35.18      35.80          7  
 11 Burkhart, Sydney    11 CVAC                   45.07      40.29          6  
Event 67  Boys 13-14 100 Yard Butterfly
       Div5A: # 55.06   2/26/1994 Taavi Lehtimaki HESY, HESY                   
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Mellinger, Marco    14 LPAC                 1:03.18    1:01.32         20  
                  29.22     1:01.32 (32.10)                                        
  2 Handley, Keenan L   14 NYAC                 1:02.40    1:01.36         17  
                  28.57     1:01.36 (32.79)                                        
  3 Pompei, Alex J      13 LPAC                 1:03.36    1:01.45         16  
                  27.82     1:01.45 (33.63)                                        
  4 Carroll, Bryce W    14 NYAC                 1:04.58    1:03.79         15  
                  29.02     1:03.79 (34.77)                                        
  5 Daubenspeck, Brand  14 LPAC                 1:07.22    1:06.06         14  
                  29.93     1:06.06 (36.13)                                        
  6 Geister, Ian M      13 CVAC                 1:07.74    1:07.67         13  
                  29.91     1:07.67 (37.76)                                        
  7 Kumar, Ganesh       14 LPAC                 1:12.88    1:08.17         12  
                  30.93     1:08.17 (37.24)                                        
  8 Connelly, Cole      13 Otters               1:13.44    1:12.02         11  
                  30.74     1:12.02 (41.28)                                        
Event 68  Girls 13-14 100 Yard Butterfly
       Div5A: # 59.48   2/22/2003 Cookie McIntyre, YY-MA                       
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Luft, Rebecca E     13 NYAC                 1:00.09      59.95         20  
                  27.78       59.95 (32.17)                                        
  2 Buchanan, Kaley R   13 Hershey              1:07.06    1:04.00         17  
                  30.42     1:04.00 (33.58)                                        
  3 Wickenheiser, Emil  13 CVAC                 1:05.02    1:04.93         16  
                  30.60     1:04.93 (34.33)                                        
  4 Moffitt, Anastasia  14 Otters               1:05.45    1:05.03         15  
                  30.61     1:05.03 (34.42)                                        
  5 Nolan, Emily E      13 Hershey              1:04.75    1:05.98         14  
                  31.34     1:05.98 (34.64)                                        
  6 Rentovich, Tirza A  14 LPAC                 1:06.16    1:07.26         13  
                  30.93     1:07.26 (36.33)                                        
  7 Hess, Abbey L       13 Hershey              1:14.33    1:10.43         12  
                  31.81     1:10.43 (38.62)                                        
  8 Reilly, Sabrina R   14 Hershey              1:11.84    1:11.34         11  
                  32.45     1:11.34 (38.89)                                        
  9 Waverka, Grace E    13 Hershey              1:14.38    1:14.87          9  
                  34.13     1:14.87 (40.74)                                        
 10 Oh, Sarah M         13 Hershey              1:15.78    1:15.33          7  
                  36.02     1:15.33 (39.31)                                        
 11 Dempsey, Emily      13 LPAC                 1:17.52    1:16.45          6  
                  35.96     1:16.45 (40.49)                                        
 12 Day, Logan E        14 NYAC                 1:22.03    1:18.23          5  
                  35.30     1:18.23 (42.93)                                        
 13 McInerney, Becky M  13 Hershey              1:20.75    1:20.44          4  
                  36.42     1:20.44 (44.02)                                        
Event 69  Boys 15 & Over 100 Yard Butterfly
       Div5A: # 54.65   2/24/1996 Bob Tournay WAY, WAY                         
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 McGuire, Luke       17 LPAC                   58.24      58.64         20  
                  27.53       58.64 (31.11)                                        
  2 Wendt, Corey J      16 NYAC                 1:00.59      59.76         17  
                  27.54       59.76 (32.22)                                        
  3 Hollenbeak, Asher   15 Hershey              1:04.58    1:00.36         16  
                  28.83     1:00.36 (31.53)                                        
  4 Michael, Thomas J   18 Hershey              1:02.33    1:00.44         15  
                  27.72     1:00.44 (32.72)                                        
  5 Pompei, Anthony L   15 LPAC                   59.97    1:00.48         14  
                  28.01     1:00.48 (32.47)                                        
  6 Leighton, John P    15 CVAC                 1:00.89    1:07.77         13  
                  30.42     1:07.77 (37.35)                                        
Event 70  Girls 15 & Over 100 Yard Butterfly
       Div5A: # 1:01.23   2/19/2000 Marsena Vranesic LEBY, LEBY                
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Vaughn, Haley R     15 NYAC                 1:05.70    1:07.37         20  
                  30.89     1:07.37 (36.48)                                        
  2 Sanders, Alyssa D   16 NYAC                 1:10.27    1:08.84         17  
                  32.47     1:08.84 (36.37)                                        
  3 Fair, Rebecca       17 Otters               1:12.95    1:13.47         16  
                  34.18     1:13.47 (39.29)                                        
  4 Ezell, Paige E      16 NYAC                 1:09.87    1:16.23         15  
                  34.08     1:16.23 (42.15)                                        
Event 71  Boys 11-12 100 Yard IM
       Div5A: # 59.18   2/19/2005 Steven M Gasparini, WSY Swimming             
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Deckman, Jacob N    12 CVAC                 1:02.67      59.54         20  
                  27.17       59.54 (32.37)                                        
  2 Logan, Daniel C     12 LPAC                 1:07.88    1:09.12         17  
                  33.42     1:09.12 (35.70)                                        
  3 Smith, Crawford M   12 CVAC                 1:09.95    1:09.62         16  
                  33.67     1:09.62 (35.95)                                        
  4 Hwang, Alan W       12 Hershey              1:11.92    1:12.51         15  
                  34.57     1:12.51 (37.94)                                        
  5 Luttrell, Cole M    11 Hershey                   NT    1:15.48         14  
                  34.02     1:15.48 (41.46)                                        
  6 Wildonger, Joshua   12 Otters               1:20.04    1:16.96         13  
                  33.88     1:16.96 (43.08)                                        
  7 Blake, Max A        12 LPAC                 1:17.69    1:18.30         12  
                  36.06     1:18.30 (42.24)                                        
  8 Pliszka, Logan      11 LPAC                 1:21.58    1:19.41         11  
                  36.89     1:19.41 (42.52)                                        
  9 Richard, Zachary    11 Otters               1:21.77    1:24.13          9  
                  40.97     1:24.13 (43.16)                                        
 10 Liu, Brian          11 LPAC                 1:46.79    1:28.49          7  
                  40.70     1:28.49 (47.79)                                        
 11 Wolf, Micah J       11 CVAC                 1:24.19    1:30.34          6  
                  42.67     1:30.34 (47.67)                                        
 12 Enigk, Robby        11 Otters               1:27.08    1:31.27          5  
                  44.00     1:31.27 (47.27)                                        
Event 72  Girls 11-12 100 Yard IM
       Div5A: # 1:02.75   2/16/2008 Madeline J Hoch, WSY Swimming              
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Rippon, Caylene     12 Hershey              1:06.94    1:07.70         20  
                  31.32     1:07.70 (36.38)                                        
  2 Fortney, Autumn-Ro  12 LPAC                 1:08.31    1:08.59         17  
                  30.73     1:08.59 (37.86)                                        
  3 Surfus, Taylor M    12 Hershey              1:10.46    1:09.57         16  
                  31.51     1:09.57 (38.06)                                        
  4 Fackler, Katie      11 Hershey              1:14.80    1:12.50         15  
                  33.53     1:12.50 (38.97)                                        
  5 Peters, Emily       12 Otters               1:14.59    1:13.01         14  
                  33.11     1:13.01 (39.90)                                        
  6 Dinello, Tess J     12 Hershey              1:14.58    1:13.19         13  
                  34.08     1:13.19 (39.11)                                        
  7 Tafuto, Sally E     11 Hershey              1:14.07    1:14.55         12  
                  34.35     1:14.55 (40.20)                                        
  8 Yoder, Ally N       11 LPAC                 1:16.41    1:16.10         11  
                  35.61     1:16.10 (40.49)                                        
  9 Meade, Cordelya     12 LPAC                 1:17.18    1:17.49          9  
                  34.49     1:17.49 (43.00)                                        
 10 Swist, Emily        12 LPAC                 1:20.28    1:19.32          7  
                  36.58     1:19.32 (42.74)                                        
 11 Maloy, Taryn E      11 Hershey              1:24.22    1:19.60          6  
                  36.83     1:19.60 (42.77)                                        
 12 Reed, Alison L      12 NYAC                 1:21.21    1:21.68          5  
                  37.08     1:21.68 (44.60)                                        
 13 Sanchez, Paulie     12 Otters               1:21.81    1:22.29          4  
                  37.38     1:22.29 (44.91)                                        
 14 Ogurcak, Lauren N   11 NYAC                      NT    1:28.44          3  
                  41.53     1:28.44 (46.91)                                        
 15 Geyer, Brooke A     11 Hershey              1:28.22    1:31.84          2  
                  44.31     1:31.84 (47.53)                                        
 16 Anthony, Kaitlyn S  12 CVAC                 1:33.59    1:34.00          1  
                  43.06     1:34.00 (50.94)                                        
 17 Stoneking, Alissa   12 LPAC                 1:39.18    1:35.11        
                  43.05     1:35.11 (52.06)                                        
Event 73  Boys 13-14 200 Yard IM
       Div5A: # 2:03.20   2/27/1993 Steven Matthews HAC, HAC                   
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Carroll, Bryce W    14 NYAC                 2:22.55    2:18.98         20  
                  29.20     1:05.23 (36.03)     1:46.64 (41.41)     2:18.98 (32.34)
  2 Bloom, Nicholas P   13 LPAC                 2:29.06    2:28.79         17  
                  32.11     1:09.32 (37.21)     1:54.27 (44.95)     2:28.79 (34.52)
  3 Connelly, Cole      13 Otters               2:32.30    2:33.89         16  
                  32.12     1:11.98 (39.86)     1:58.84 (46.86)     2:33.89 (35.05)
  4 Geyer, Grant D      13 Hershey              2:37.27    2:37.31         15  
                  35.01     1:16.81 (41.80)     1:59.51 (42.70)     2:37.31 (37.80)
  5 Wolf, Kaelin M      13 CVAC                 2:40.81    2:39.77         14  
                  34.35     1:13.09 (38.74)     2:03.07 (49.98)     2:39.77 (36.70)
  6 Compton, Riley D    13 Hershey                   NT    2:53.35         13  
                  40.32     1:22.91 (42.59)     2:13.76 (50.85)     2:53.35 (39.59)
Event 74  Girls 13-14 200 Yard IM
       Div5A: # 2:09.07   2/22/2003 Tricia Weaner, WSY-MA                      
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Barone, Oriana      13 Hershey              2:20.62    2:18.87         20  
                  30.45     1:06.43 (35.98)     1:45.28 (38.85)     2:18.87 (33.59)
  2 Jenkins, Emily E    14 NYAC                 2:20.44    2:21.91         17  
                  29.86     1:04.44 (34.58)     1:47.35 (42.91)     2:21.91 (34.56)
  3 Wickenheiser, Emil  13 CVAC                 2:23.40    2:27.78         16  
                  31.46     1:10.29 (38.83)     1:52.01 (41.72)     2:27.78 (35.77)
  4 Licata, Gabby J     14 LPAC                 2:33.97    2:28.07         15  
                  32.89     1:11.91 (39.02)     1:53.60 (41.69)     2:28.07 (34.47)
  5 Duck, Olivia        13 Hershey              2:23.44    2:30.89         14  
                  30.56     1:08.14 (37.58)     1:55.48 (47.34)     2:30.89 (35.41)
  6 Robertson, Bailey   13 Hershey                   NT    2:34.26         13  
                  35.72     1:14.21 (38.49)     2:00.48 (46.27)     2:34.26 (33.78)
  7 Hess, Abbey L       13 Hershey              2:42.32    2:37.07         12  
                  32.29     1:12.17 (39.88)     2:01.55 (49.38)     2:37.07 (35.52)
  8 Furlong, Heather L  14 CVAC                 2:38.21    2:40.37         11  
                  34.82     1:15.42 (40.60)     2:05.05 (49.63)     2:40.37 (35.32)
  9 Oh, Sarah M         13 Hershey              2:42.39    2:40.52          9  
                  33.71     1:15.34 (41.63)     2:04.05 (48.71)     2:40.52 (36.47)
 10 Echard, Abigail     13 LPAC                 2:58.41    3:00.15          7  
                  40.32     1:29.73 (49.41)     2:19.16 (49.43)     3:00.15 (40.99)
 11 Gryboski, Megan     13 Otters               2:54.51    3:03.51          6  
                  41.60     1:33.65 (52.05)     2:22.49 (48.84)     3:03.51 (41.02)
 12 Carrasco, Hannah N  13 Hershey              3:07.26    3:06.59          5  
                  44.03     1:31.07 (47.04)     2:24.80 (53.73)     3:06.59 (41.79)
 -- Hwang, Grace W      14 Hershey              2:36.59         DQ        
      Kick breaststroke type - fly
                  34.85     1:15.46 (40.61)     1:57.76 (42.30)          DQ (36.66)
Event 75  Boys 15 & Over 200 Yard IM
       Div5A: # 1:58.57   2/26/1994 Jeremy Linn HESY, HESY                     
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Jenkins, Jacob L    16 NYAC                 2:10.55    2:09.09         20  
                  27.53     1:00.03 (32.50)     1:38.38 (38.35)     2:09.09 (30.71)
  2 McGuire, Luke       17 LPAC                 2:07.78    2:09.90         17  
                  28.29     1:02.33 (34.04)     1:40.14 (37.81)     2:09.90 (29.76)
  3 Hollenbeak, Asher   15 Hershey              2:19.83    2:13.42         16  
                  28.61     1:04.08 (35.47)     1:42.57 (38.49)     2:13.42 (30.85)
  4 Naccarato, Montana  16 LPAC                 2:23.74    2:18.43         15  
                  28.90     1:04.52 (35.62)     1:46.01 (41.49)     2:18.43 (32.42)
  5 Cassel, Austin      15 Otters               2:28.42    2:27.17         14  
                  29.83     1:07.01 (37.18)     1:51.93 (44.92)     2:27.17 (35.24)
Event 76  Girls 15 & Over 200 Yard IM
       Div5A: # 2:13.26   2/20/1999 Sarah Haupt CYAA, CYAA                     
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 May, Allyna         15 Otters               2:24.14    2:23.70         20  
                  31.55     1:06.71 (35.16)     1:48.94 (42.23)     2:23.70 (34.76)
  2 Atwood, Julia K     17 NYAC                 2:24.07    2:25.62         17  
                  29.85     1:09.39 (39.54)     1:52.37 (42.98)     2:25.62 (33.25)
  3 Miller, Rebecca I   16 NYAC                 2:25.75    2:27.23         16  
                  32.71     1:08.43 (35.72)     1:53.96 (45.53)     2:27.23 (33.27)
  4 Nasta, Hazel        16 Hershey              2:28.86    2:29.63         15  
                  33.00     1:11.87 (38.87)     1:55.67 (43.80)     2:29.63 (33.96)
  5 Fox, Hannah         17 Otters               2:27.66    2:29.70         14  
                  33.21     1:10.45 (37.24)     1:55.44 (44.99)     2:29.70 (34.26)
  6 Sanders, Alyssa D   16 NYAC                 2:36.98    2:32.92         13  
                  33.07     1:11.78 (38.71)     1:58.03 (46.25)     2:32.92 (34.89)
  7 Gensemer, Sara E    15 Hershey              2:34.31    2:35.39         12  
                  34.76     1:15.80 (41.04)     1:59.45 (43.65)     2:35.39 (35.94)
  8 Rudy, Marybeth      16 Otters               2:33.97    2:38.46         11  
                  35.55     1:17.83 (42.28)     2:01.23 (43.40)     2:38.46 (37.23)
  9 Peachey, Krista     15 Otters               2:38.45    2:40.79          9  
                  34.70     1:13.54 (38.84)     2:05.25 (51.71)     2:40.79 (35.54)
 10 Spicer, Sara B      16 Hershey                   NT    2:42.25          7  
                  34.41     1:17.25 (42.84)     2:04.97 (47.72)     2:42.25 (37.28)
Event 77  Boys 11-12 200 Yard Freestyle Relay
       Div5A: # 1:44.39   2/18/2006 Hershey Aquatic Club                       
                         D Nolan, T Maurer, K Ruddle, J Young              
    Team                                           Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Hershey Aquatic Club  'A'                   1:56.28    1:55.54         40  
     1) Young, Jason K 12               2) Luttrell, Cole M 11            
     3) Hwang, Alan W 12                4) Guo, Jason 12                  
                  28.64       58.68 (30.04)     1:27.76 (29.08)     1:55.54 (27.78)
  2 Lower Paxton Aquatic Club  'A'              2:05.23    2:05.90         34  
     1) Reed, Collin 12                 2) Pliszka, Logan 11              
     3) Liu, Brian 11                   4) Blake, Max A 12                
                  29.77     1:03.57 (33.80)     1:37.14 (33.57)     2:05.90 (28.76)
Event 78  Girls 11-12 200 Yard Freestyle Relay
       Div5A: # 1:49.72   2/23/2002 LEBY                                       
                         M Keath, A Haitos, C Schaefer, J Dyer             
    Team                                           Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Lower Paxton Aquatic Club  'A'              2:04.56    2:06.24         40  
     1) Yoder, Ally N 11                2) Parody, Lauren 11              
     3) Dinello, Hannah 12              4) Meade, Cordelya 12             
                  30.36     1:04.04 (33.68)     1:36.93 (32.89)     2:06.24 (29.31)
  2 Hershey Aquatic Club  'A'                   2:09.23    2:06.82         34  
     1) McCloskey, Grace M 11           2) Daniels, Haley P 11            
     3) Daniels, Brooke N 11            4) Snavely, Sarah E 12            
                  30.66     1:03.38 (32.72)     1:37.15 (33.77)     2:06.82 (29.67)
Event 79  Boys 13-14 200 Yard Freestyle Relay
       Div5A: # 1:37.12   2/23/2002 TRVY                                       
                         J Kubacki, D Lightfoot, J Koehler, R Redcay       
    Team                                           Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Lower Paxton Aquatic Club  'A'              1:38.15    1:36.48#        40  
     1) Ruth, Zachary M 14              2) Pompei, Alex J 13              
     3) Yohe, Joshua S 13               4) Kushner, Jack M 14             
                  23.99       48.79 (24.80)     1:13.34 (24.55)     1:36.48 (23.14)
  2 Lebanon Valley Otters  'A'                  1:41.20    1:45.90         34  
     1) Fox, Adam 13                    2) Connelly, Cole 13              
     3) Marakowski, Matthew P 13        4) Marakowski, Paul J 14          
                  25.59       53.24 (27.65)     1:20.41 (27.17)     1:45.90 (25.49)
  3 Hershey Aquatic Club  'A'                   1:59.17    1:58.10         32  
     1) Nasta, Adam 13                  2) Bair, Jaimeson P 13            
     3) Ceneviva, Matt R 13             4) Bair, Sam J 14                 
                  29.76     1:02.27 (32.51)     1:31.27 (29.00)     1:58.10 (26.83)
Event 80  Girls 13-14 200 Yard Freestyle Relay
       Div5A: # 1:42.26   2/21/1998 LEBY                                       
    Team                                           Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Hershey Aquatic Club  'A'                   1:43.81    1:45.23         40  
     1) Barone, Oriana 13               2) Nolan, Emily E 13              
     3) Duck, Olivia 13                 4) Buchanan, Kaley R 13           
                  25.99       52.32 (26.33)     1:19.63 (27.31)     1:45.23 (25.60)
  2 Hershey Aquatic Club  'B'                   1:56.37    1:55.99         34  
     1) Rhoads, Rylie C 14              2) Kiessling, Joli G 14           
     3) Hess, Kate L 13                 4) Luttrell, Kiersten C 13        
                  29.18       58.73 (29.55)     1:28.35 (29.62)     1:55.99 (27.64)
  3 Lebanon Valley Otters  'A'                  1:52.94    2:14.23         32  
     1) Fair, Angela 14                 2) St. Clair, Elizabeth 14        
     3) Peachey, Taylor 13              4) Ritchie, Samantha 13           
                  31.55     1:05.66 (34.11)     1:39.46 (33.80)     2:14.23 (34.77)
Event 81  Boys 15 & Over 200 Yard Freestyle Relay
       Div5A: # 1:29.61   2/19/2000 LEBY                                       
                         A Webber, S Maeder, D Hoover, N Delong            
    Team                                           Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Hershey Aquatic Club  'A'                   1:39.15    1:40.45         40  
     1) Michael, Thomas J 18            2) Yang, Gary W 15                
     3) Ruddle, Trevor G 15             4) Skelly, Sebastian 16           
                  25.95       51.72 (25.77)     1:16.96 (25.24)     1:40.45 (23.49)
Event 82  Girls 15 & Over 200 Yard Freestyle Relay
       Div5A: # 1:41.88   2/18/1995 LEBY                                       
    Team                                           Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Lower Paxton Aquatic Club  'A'              1:56.15    1:53.11         40  
     1) Balint, Danielle 16             2) Mercurio, Patrice 18           
     3) Dempsey, Courtney 16            4) Plevinsky, Brooke 17           
                  27.77       58.43 (30.66)     1:25.93 (27.50)     1:53.11 (27.18)
  2 Lebanon Valley Otters  'A'                  1:44.75    1:55.51         34  
     1) Dreibelbis, Amy 15              2) Fair, Rebecca 17               
     3) Sudbury, Emily L 17             4) Rudy, Marybeth 16              
                  28.09       57.26 (29.17)     1:27.01 (29.75)     1:55.51 (28.50)
  3 Hershey Aquatic Club  'A'                        NT    2:05.14         32  
     1) Carrasco, Hannah N 13           2) Hess, Abbey L 13               
     3) McInerney, Becky M 13           4) Waverka, Grace E 13            
                  36.03     1:05.31 (29.28)     1:35.22 (29.91)     2:05.14 (29.92)